Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Banned Books of the Scientific Revolution 

      Magruder, Kerry (2017)
      The three most famous banned books of the Copernican revolution, listed in chronological order, are On the Revolutions of Copernicus (1543); a Commentary on the biblical book of Job by Zúñiga, a theologian in Salamanca; ...
    • Bode's Star Atlas: Uranographia, 1801 

      Magruder, Kerry (2016)
      This beautiful star atlas fused artistic beauty and scientific precision, the last of the four major star atlases in which artful depictions of constellation figures appear alongside the most up to date scientific information. ...
    • "Constellation Coloring Pages" adapted from Johann Bode, "Uranographia" (1801) 

      Johann Bode, director of the Observatory of the Berlin Academy of Sciences, produced the last of the four major celestial atlases in which artful depictions of constellation figures appear alongside the most up-to-date ...