Now showing items 729-748 of 836

    • Social support mediates the relationship between gratitude and suicide ideation 

      Krupitzer, Kelsie (2016-02-16)
      Suicide is the tenth leading cause of death worldwide (CDC, 2012). Because of this alarming rate, it is important to investigate protective factors against suicide. Social support is a well-identified protective factor ...
    • Social support, depression symptoms, and unwanted sexual experiences: Review of the literature 

      Beyl, Meredith L. (2019-05-06)
      Unwanted sexual experiences are common in the United States, and victims are at increased risk of adverse psychological effects. Depression symptoms are common in survivors, which is concerning due to the health risks and ...
    • Social values and fashion innovativeness 

      Garrison, Jeremy (2015-04-24)
      This study was designed to explain the motivations of fashion innovators by providing further clarification of the relationship between social values and fashion innovativeness. Schwartz's theory of basic human values was ...
    • Society WAVES goodbye: The question of a servicewoman's role after World War II 

      Williams, Madison (2022-04-27)
      The women who served in the Navy's Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service, or WAVES for short, experienced many liberties previously withheld from them, and made great strides towards equality. This was due in part ...
    • Sociocultural factors affecting sun-seeking behavior for infants living in rural or urban communities in southern Ethiopia 

      Larson, Riley (2015-04-06)
      Introduction: Ethiopians depend on sunlight for vitamin D synthesis due to limited dietary sources. This qualitative study investigated sociocultural factors affecting sun exposure for infants of women from three categories: ...
    • Song of the blades 

      Landin, Eric (12/2/2022)
      A fantasy novel told as an epic poem, taking inspiration from Greek and Norse epics and from the works of J.R.R Tolkien.
    • SOX effects on audit fees 

      Edwards, Nathaniel (2018-05-03)
      Audit fees change year to year based off of fee models audit firms implement, and a large factor is the auditor effort and assumed liability of taking on a client. As the Big Four and Non-Big Four firms take on clients, ...
    • Spatial and economic impacts of wind turbines on the economy of Oklahoma 

      Conaway, Joshua (2015-05-08)
      The purpose behind this research is to provide Oklahoman agriculturalists an opportunity to compare the economic benefits of their current agricultural enterprise to a wind energy enterprise. An enterprise in this sense ...
    • Speech and language development in siblings with Alport syndrome: A seven-year longitudinal retrospective case study 

      Tether, Hannah (2016-04-29)
      Alport syndrome is a syndrome that results in nephritis, renal failure, sensorineural hearing loss, and various eye deficits. As a result of sensorineural hearing loss, these individuals are likely to experience difficulties ...
    • Speedfest 

      Newport, Cameron (2020-04-24)
      Design and manufacture of a small turbojet powered remote controlled aircraft in response to the Speedfest X statement of work.
    • Speedfest 2018: Black Team 

      Gopakumar, Gokul (2018-04-28)
      For my senior project, I did Speedfest. I was part of the structures team on the Black Team. The mission was to make an airplane fly and drop payloads in a certain target while not being detected by radar. We also had to ...
    • Speedfest Black Team senior design 

      Kane, Killian (2/23/2023)
      Note: There is no true "written" report to accompany this senior design project. The Chief Engineer led a team of 21 other seniors, and they presented a large portion of the critical design review (submitted below as the ...
    • SpeedFest VIII Orange Team: Ace of diamonds 

      Duncan, Britton; Ford, Mitchell; Thomas, Logan; Thai, Zhong (2018-04-28)
      This year for SpeedFest VIII, the Orange Team senior design team for Aerospace engineering was tasked with designing an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) capable of evading doppler-based radar while deploying two weighted ...
    • Speedfest X, OSU Black 2021: Critical design review 

      Litchfield, Jennifer; Vaughan, Luke; Williams, Waylon (2021-02-24)
      The 2021 Speedfest challenge was to design, build, and prove a new remotely piloted racing aircraft powered by a small jet engine and designed to complete as many laps on a 1000ft pylon course as possible in three minutes. ...
    • Speedfest XI Black Team: Critical design review 

      Klawun, Markus (2022-02-16)
      This presentation is the critical design review for the Oklahoma State University Black Team's submission to Speedfest XI. In the presentation, the team discusses the design decisions made past the concept phase to bring ...
    • Stadium game: Are professional sports franchises and their stadiums a boon to local economies? 

      Block, Grady (2017-04-25)
      As costs for building sports stadiums used by professional sports teams across the United States continue to rise, questions involving the net impact on their respective cities economy rise as well. The cost associated ...
    • Standard language ideology and the potential for bias in middle school classrooms 

      West, Courtney (2016-04-27)
      In this study, I aimed to find in what ways teachers' were aware of the potential for bias against non-standard dialects in the classroom, and what ways this awareness or lack thereof displayed in teaching practices. Since ...
    • Startup podcast : Tomorrow's ideas. Explained today. 

      Gabriel, Ryan (12/7/2022)
      The StartUp Podcast brings a new flare to the traditional podcasts on the market. Business podcasts can feel tasteless and flavorless. Boring speakers, hyper- analytical, and too "professional". The StartUp hits the missing ...
    • State of sports: An analyzation of NCAA regulation leading to the formation of interim N.I.L. policy 

      Braht, Max (2021-12-06)
      The National Collegiate Athletic Association, often referred to as the NCAA, has gone to great lengths to ensure student-athletes remain within the organization’s classification of “amateurism”. This is done for, what the ...
    • State population and candidate quality 

      Fishel, Gary (2016-07-28)
      In this paper, I ask the following question: Is there a relationship between a state's demographic characteristics and the quality of representatives serving that state? In Federalist no. 10, Publius outlines a theory that ...