Now showing items 21-40 of 46

    • 8.2 - Euler's Method - Newton's Cooling Law 

      Shams El-Din El-Fouly; Siddharth Misra (7/27/18)
      In this lesson you'll learn an additional example on the application of Euler's Methods using Newton's Cooling Law
    • 3.7 - Goal Seek and Solver 

      Shams El-Din El-Fouly; Siddharth Misra (7/6/18)
      In this lesson you'll learn about how to use Excel's inbuilt root finding functions–goal seek for simple 1D function and Solver for multivariable functions.
    • 3.5 - Multiple Roots 

      Shams El-Din El-Fouly; Siddharth Misra (6/28/19)
      In this lesson you'll learn about the Modified Newton Raphson Method to deal with Multiple Roots and How to develop a VBA code to implement this technique to any desired approximate error.
    • 3.6 - Right Circular Cone 

      Shams El-Din El-Fouly; Siddharth Misra (6/27/18)
      In this lesson you'll learn about how to apply the Newton Raphson Technique to find the root of a 2D right circular cone function.
    • 3.4 - Newton Raphson using different guesses 

      Shams El-Din El-Fouly; Siddharth Misra (6/26/18)
      In this lesson you'll learn about the effect of using different educated guesses on the output root of the function
    • 4.4 - Gauss Jordan 

      Shams El-Din El-Fouly; Siddharth Misra (7/4/18)
      In this lesson you'll learn about how to solve a system of equations using gauss Jordan and how to develop a gauss Jordan VBA Code.
    • 4.1 - Vectors, Matrices & Arrays 

      Shams El-Din El-Fouly; Siddharth Misra (6/26/18)
      In this lesson you'll learn about what an array is and the difference between a vector and a matrix. You’ll then create a vector to store ten elements and display it back onto an Excel sheet. Finally, you’ll learn to create ...
    • 4.6 - LU Decomposition by generating Inverse A 

      Shams El-Din El-Fouly; Siddharth Misra (7/3/18)
      In this lesson you'll learn about how to solve a system of equations using LU Decomposition by generating A inverse and how to develop a LU Decomposition A inverse VBA Code
    • 4.2 - Addition, Multiplication & Transposition of Matrices 

      Shams El-Din El-Fouly; Siddharth Misra (6/28/18)
      In this lesson you'll learn about addition, multiplication and transposition to two matrices in addition to what a Principle Diagonal, Principal anti-diagonal, identity and unit matrices
    • 4.3 - Gauss Elimination with Partial Pivoting 

      Shams El-Din El-Fouly; Siddharth Misra (7/5/18)
      In this lesson you'll learn about how to solve a system of equations using gauss elimination with Partial Pivoting and how to develop a gauss elimination with Partial Pivoting VBA Code
    • 4.5 - LU Decomposition 

      Shams El-Din El-Fouly; Siddharth Misra (7/2/18)
      In this lesson you'll learn about how to solve a system of equations using LU Decomposition and how to develop a LU Decomposition VBA Code
    • 5.1 - Introduction to Optimization & Analytical Sol. 

      Shams El-Din El-Fouly; Siddharth Misra (7/9/18)
      In this lesson you'll learn about optimization, minimums, maximums, and a saddle. You’ll learn the difference between a local and global optima, the Second Derivative Test, contour lines, and how to graph a 2D function in Excel.
    • 8.3 - Improvements on Euler (Heun's, Midpoint & Ralston) 

      Shams El-Din El-Fouly; Siddharth Misra (7/28/18)
      In this lesson you'll learn about three techniques to improve Euler's Solution, and learn how to write a VBA program to apply all three techniques.
    • 4.7 - Debugging a Multiplication Code 

      Shams El-Din El-Fouly; Siddharth Misra (7/4/18)
      In this lesson you'll learn about the common debugging issues that arise when programming numerical methods and how to best solve them and avoid them in the future.
    • 5.2 - 1D Optimization - Gold-Section Search 

      Shams El-Din El-Fouly; Siddharth Misra (7/11/18)
      In this lesson you'll learn about how to apply the golden section search technique to find Minimum and Maximum of a 1D Function in addition to how to develop a golden section search technique
    • 5.3 - 1D Optimization - Newton Raphson 

      Shams El-Din El-Fouly; Siddharth Misra (7/10/18)
      In this lesson you'll learn about how to apply Newton Raphson Root finding Technique to find Minimum and Maximum of a 1D Function and how to adjust a Newton Raphson root finding code to find the optima of a function
    • 5.4 - 2D Optimization - Gradient Descent 

      Shams El-Din El-Fouly; Siddharth Misra (7/17/18)
      In this lesson you'll learn about how to apply the gradient decent/ascent method to find optimum min and max of a 2D function and learn how to code a gradient descent code
    • 6.3 - Linearization (Log & Hyperbolic) 

      Shams El-Din El-Fouly; Siddharth Misra (7/17/18)
      In this lesson you'll learn about how to best fit a line using regression analysis to fit a log trend and hyperbolic trend.
    • 6.4 - Cubic Spline 

      Shams El-Din El-Fouly; Siddharth Misra (7/31/18)
      In this lesson you'll learn about how to apply cubic spline to interpolate a value between two points and how to develop a cubic spline code in VBA programming language
    • 6.1 - Linear Regression 

      Shams El-Din El-Fouly; Siddharth Misra (7/13/18)
      In this lesson you'll learn about how to best fit a line to a set of linear data points and how to develop a linear regression program. This is followed by a comparison of the results to Excel's inbuilt linear regression function