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Item Open Access 11 year evaluation of fabric form with cement fly ash mixture for erosion and sediment control (OK-98-02) 2110(1998-6) Brockelsby, Sr., Rudy L.; Oklahoma Department of Transportation. Materials and Research Division. Office of Research & ImplementationAddendum to 1987 Final Report. Short brief of the construction and reference to previous recommendations, major objectives, and notation of conclusions. Findings, observations, and pictures showing long term effects to fabric fonn. Conclusions and recommendations for long term effects. This addendum constitutes a follow-up to Item 2114; 81-08-1, "FabricForms". Major Conclusions: Fabric Form can be utilized with little preparatory work. Nylon resists ultraviolet radiation and bonds with the mortar mix better than the polypropylene. The pillowed effect of the fabric collects sediment, thereby encouraging vegetative growth. Weep hole should be used. Lesser slopes result in greater abrasion to the material.Item Open Access 2003 report on roadside vegetation management equipment & technologyMontgomery, Doug; Martin, Dennis; Oklahoma Department of Transportation. Materials and Research Division. Office of Research & Implementation.The objective of this report is to provide Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) personnel with recommendations concerning the implementation of new equipment or technologies that will benefit in the management of vegetation in the roadside right-of-way. The focus of this particular report is to encourage ODOT to implement promising computer technologies into their roadside vegetation management programs. During the remainder of the current Joint Project 2156 (Roadside Vegetation Management Training, Consultation and Development of Educational Resources) significant efforts will be made by OSU Roadside Vegetation Management (RVM) personnel to increase the use and effectiveness of computers with regards to the many vegetation issues ODOT personnel deal with each year. Personal computers are currently being underutilized as a tool in assisting ODOT vegetation managers in communications, data transfer, training activities, and in documentation of maintenance.Item Open Access 2004 annual Oklahoma Department of Transportation herbicide program reportMontgomery, Doug; Evans, Craig; Martin, Dennis; Oklahoma Department of Transportation. Materials and Research Division. Office of Research & Implementation.The purpose of this annual report was to document the successes, failures and challenges of ODOT's chemical weed control program in 2004. In that each field division makes herbicide application decisions independent of other field divisions, we attempted to minimize comparisons among divisions in this report. However, it can be both interesting and useful to document trends in ODOT herbicide programs when similarities in field division programs are surveyed. We attempted to document the progress of each field division on its own merit, considering the different attitudes and unique management goals within each field division. When appropriate, recommendations and comments were made to assist divisions in solving issues that became apparent after reviewing this year's herbicide use surveys (Appendix A). It was our intent that the comments and criticisms included in this report would be of benefit to each field division's herbicide program. We are aware that each field division, in the development of its herbicide program, will have considerations unknown to Oklahoma State University Roadside Vegetation Management Program personnel. If there is disagreement by any division personnel to comments or recommendations, we ask that we have the opportunity to clarify or adjust recommendations.Item Open Access 2004 report on roadside vegetation management equipment & technologyEvans, Crag; Montgomery, Doug; Martin, Dennis; Oklahoma Department of Transportation. Materials and Research Division. Office of Research & Implementation.The objective of this report is to provide Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) personnel with recommendations concerning the utilization of new technologies that will enable more effective management of Oklahoma roadside right-of-ways. Two new technologies that ODOT has access to and will benefit from are 1.) The Oklahoma Mesonet System and 2.) the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry抯 (ODAFF) acquisition of a Liquid Chromatography, Mass Spectrometry / Mass Spectrometry (LCMS/MS) unit. Additionally, we wish to notify ODOT of the sale of formerly recommended equipment technology, and the resulting new equipment name and new distributor.Item Open Access 2005 annual Oklahoma Department of Transportation herbicide program reportMontgomery, Doug; Evans, Craig; Martin, Dennis; Oklahoma Department of Transportation. Materials and Research Division. Office of Research & Implementation.The purpose of this annual report was to document the successes, failures and challenges of ODOT's chemical weed control program in 2005. In that each field division makes herbicide application decisions independent of other field divisions, we attempted to minimize comparisons among divisions in this report. However, it can be both interesting and useful to document trends in ODOT herbicide programs when similarities in field division programs are surveyed. We attempted to document the progress of each field division on its own merit, considering the different attitudes and unique management goals within each field division. When appropriate, recommendations and comments were made to assist divisions in solving issues that became apparent after reviewing this year's herbicide use surveys (Appendix A). It was our intent that the comments and criticisms included in this report would be of benefit to each field division's herbicide program. We are aware that each field division, in the development of its herbicide program, will have considerations unknown to Oklahoma State University Roadside Vegetation Management Program personnel. If there is disagreement by any division personnel to comments or recommendations, we ask that we have the opportunity to clarify recommendationsItem Open Access 2005 report on roadside vegetation management equipment & technologyEvans, Crag; Montgomery, Doug; Martin, Dennis; Oklahoma Department of Transportation. Materials and Research Division. Office of Research & Implementation.The objective of this report is to provide Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) personnel with recommendations concerning the utilization of new technologies that will enable more effective management of Oklahoma roadside right-of-ways. Industries responsible for technological advances in the roadside vegetation management (RVM) industry segment are increasingly aware of tight of maintenance budgets and environmental issues. Two new technologies that ODOT has access to and could benefit from are 1.) Norstar Industries, Inc. 揕ong Shot� Articulating Boom and 2.) U-Teck 揥eedEnder� Technologies.Item Open Access 2006 annual Oklahoma Department of Transportation herbicide program reportMontgomery, Doug; Evans, Craig; Martin, Dennis; Oklahoma Department of Transportation. Materials and Research Division. Office of Research & Implementation.The purpose of this annual report was to document the successes, failures and challenges of ODOT chemical weed control program in 2006. As each field division makes herbicide application decisions independent of other divisions, we attempted to minimize comparisons among divisions. However, it can be interesting and useful to examine trends in herbicide programs among/between divisions. We attempted to document the progress of each field division on its own merit, considering their different attitudes and unique management goals. When appropriate, recommendations and comments were made to assist divisions in solving issues that became apparent after reviewing this year's herbicide use surveys (Appendix A) and divisional meetings. It was our intent that the comments and criticisms included in this report would be of benefit to each field division's herbicide program. We are aware that each field division, in the development of its herbicide program, may have considerations unknown to Oklahoma State University Roadside Vegetation Management Program personnel. If there is disagreement by any division personnel as to our comments or recommendations, we ask that we have the opportunity to clarify recommendations. The greatest challenge this year was the statewide drought that persisted from Sept. � through Sept. �. Oklahoma is a state that is well aware of drought issues, but this past year the severity and duration was unprecedented. Many state records have been broken with respect to the drought of 2006. From this report/survey it has been documented that ODOT treatment acreages were down significantly from the past and that weed control results for many applications were poor. These results were a both a direct and indirect effect of the drought conditions. Results should be viewed as ODOT personnel trying to do their best in a very difficult season rather than there being a poor effort from ODOT personnel. ODOT should be able to continue its historically sound herbicide programs once more 搉ormal� climatic conditions return. An attempt will be made in Section 10 of this report to explain the plant responses to drought conditions and the drought抯 effect on herbicide efficacy. Such a discussion should help explain some of the decisions made this past year, weed control results and problems experienced by many. In the body of this report most references to herbicides will be made by using their common name instead of their brand name. An example would be a reference to 慻lyphosate�, the active ingredient, instead of 慠oundup Pro Concentrate畳, 慔oncho Plus畳, or 慚irage畳, which are the brand or registered trade names. This is an attempt to simplify the text of this report. When referenced common names are unfamiliar to the reader you may refer to Table 11 for the corresponding brand name. Each Field Division抯 Summary Table (Tables 1-8) will reference common name followed by brand names in parentheses. Finally, we would like to thank the divisions for their participation in this year's survey. Without the survey data and meetings held at each field division, this report would not reflect the entire ODOT herbicide program effort. We encourage each ODOT maintenance facility to fill out the annual herbicide program survey as accurately and completely as possible so that these reports can accurately reflect ODOT抯 weed control efforts. We encourage suggestions as to how this report can be made more informative and useful and we always welcome input from all levels within ODOT.Item Open Access 2006 report on roadside vegetation management equipment & technologyEvans, Crag; Montgomery, Doug; Martin, Dennis; Oklahoma Department of Transportation. Materials and Research Division. Office of Research & Implementation.The objective of this report is to provide Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) personnel with recommendations concerning the utilization of new technologies and/or adaptations of existing technology. This will enable vegetation managers to comply with ODOT抯 need to provide safe travel corridors for Oklahoma抯 motoring public. In recent years, Oklahoma agricultural producers have been exploring the production of non-traditional, high value crops to circumvent the low returns per acre from traditional crops such as wheat. Some of new cropping options include grape production and organic crop/livestock production on small to large acreages adjacent to or in close proximity to ODOT managed rights-of-way. Grapes along with some other crops have been labeled as 搖ltra sensitive� to some herbicides used for vegetation management on ODOT easements. Consistent with the ODOT 揋ood Neighbor� policy, ODOT has initiated a 搉o spray� buffer around vineyards. These buffer zones may be of varying sizes. Additionally, the buffer zone concept may also be expanded to include other sensitive crop areas such as those containing cotton. Widespread presence of sensitive crops and subsequent no-spray buffer zones will necessitate a different approach to management of non-desirable vegetation in these zones. The option for use of the Speidel Weed Wiper was elaborated upon in the report �99 Annual ODOT Report on Roadside Vegetation Management Equipment: Project 2130: Section 2� that was presented to ODOT as part of the joint continuing effort between the Oklahoma State University RVM (Roadside Vegetation Management) Program and ODOT. The main focus of the findings in that report where the need for ODOT to control switchgrass infestations in clear zones/safety zones and johnsongrass in wildflower plantings. Both issues continue to be management concerns for ODOT to this day and wiper recommendations are contained in the current Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service circular E-958, September 2006. In addition to switchgrass and johnsongrass concerns, wiper use with glyphosate has new possibilities for reducing the potential of herbicide drift onto adjacent ultra-sensitive crops. Due to the very low volatility of glyphosate, vapor drift is virtually nonexistent. The Speidel Weed Wiper, because of its design to wipe rather than spray glyphosate, can be safely used in areas immediately adjacent to sensitive crop sites. Some ODOT herbicide applicators may have concluded that the Speidel Wiper technology was not very practical or viable. This conclusion may have been drawn based on the following assumptions: 1.) Long wiper booms (10� were cumbersome and did not conform to easement surface contours, both concave and convex situations, which resulted in gaps in the wiping pattern or the wiper bar possibly 揵ottoming out� and hitting the soil surface. 2.) The operator may have had to dismount from the tractor and manually adjust the wiper height to successfully apply the glyphosate to the weed target due to a frequent need to change the height of wiper boom. 3.). Due to the long turning radius of conventional tractors, movement within the highway easement was restricted and this may have required the operator to traverse the highway surface which increases the risk of motorist vehicle-tractor operator collision. ACR Sales (Norman, OK) has developed a simple mounting bracket system for ATV/utility vehicles that enables the ATV operator to make wiper-bar height adjustments without dismounting the ATV. This ability saves valuable man-hours and increases the acres per hour treated as well as the acres per application event treated. The relatively tight turning radius of these types� vehicles also allows the operator more safety by allowing them to stay in the easement and off of the highway itself. The multi-tasking capabilities of the utility vehicles are also a very appealing feature that has perpetuated their use in the Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) maintenance fleet. The TXDOT utilizes approximately 30 utility vehicles state-wide for vegetation management (personal consultation, Steve Prather, TxDOT, December 11, 2006 and Robert Watts, District Vegetation Manager, TxDOT Odessa District, December 12, 2006).Item Open Access 2007 annual Oklahoma Department of Transportation herbicide program reportMontgomery, Doug; Evans, Craig; Martin, Dennis; Oklahoma Department of Transportation. Materials and Research Division. Office of Research & Implementation.The purpose of this annual report was to document the successes, failures and challenges of ODOT's chemical weed control program in 2007. In that each field division makes herbicide application decisions independent of other field divisions, we attempted to minimize comparisons among divisions in this report. However, it can be both interesting and useful to document trends in ODOT herbicide programs when similarities and differences in field division programs are surveyed. We attempted to document the progress of each field division on its own merit, considering the different attitudes and unique management goals within each field division. When appropriate, recommendations and comments were made to assist divisions in solving issues that became apparent after reviewing this year's herbicide surveys (Appendix A) and divisional meetings. It was our intent that the comments and criticisms included in this report would be of benefit to each field division's herbicide program. We are aware that each field division, in the development of its herbicide program, will have considerations unknown to Oklahoma State University Roadside Vegetation Management Program personnel. If there is disagreement by any division personnel to comments or recommendations, we ask that we have the opportunity to clarify recommendations. While 2005/2006 proved to be a record drought for Oklahoma, 2006/2007 has provided record or near record rainfall for many areas in Oklahoma. Record levels of rainfall made the task of an 揈levated Level of Service� for the Oklahoma Centennial more difficult than under more normal conditions. Every field division experienced mowing and herbicide application scheduling difficulties because of the relentless rains that started in May and were nearly daily events through July. However, all field divisions were able to meet goals of significantly increasing the acreage treated with selective broadcast herbicide treatments during the 2007 season. In the body of this report most references to herbicides will be made by using their common name instead of brand name. An example would be a reference to glyphosate instead of Roundup Pro Concentrate, Honcho Plus, or Mirage. This is an attempt to simplify the text of this report. When referenced common names are unfamiliar to the reader, you may refer to Table 11 for the corresponding brand name. Each Field Division抯 Summary Table (Tables 1-8) will reference common name followed by specific brand names used by the division in parenthesis. Finally, we would like to thank the divisions for their participation in this year's survey. Without the survey data and meetings held at each field division, this report will not reflect the entire ODOT herbicide program effort. We encourage each ODOT maintenance facility to fill out the annual herbicide program survey as accurately and completely as possible so this report can reflect as much of ODOT抯 weed control effort as possible. We encourage suggestions as to how this report can be made more informative and useful and we always welcome input from all levels within ODOT.Item Open Access 2007 report on roadside vegetation management equipment & technologyEvans, Crag; Montgomery, Doug; Martin, Dennis; Oklahoma Department of Transportation. Materials and Research Division. Office of Research & Implementation.The objective of this report is to provide Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) personnel with recommendations concerning the utilization of new technologies and/or adaptations of existing technology that will enable vegetation managers to comply with ODOT抯 need to provide safe travel corridors for Oklahoma抯 motoring public. The year 2007 was a banner one for Oklahoma in that the state celebrated its one-hundredth year of statehood. ODOT was heavily involved in an 揺levated level of service� that increased the level of maintenance on both rural roadsides and heavily traveled corridors funneling visitors into Oklahoma. The term 揺levated level of service� was introduced by the Director of The Department of Transportation, Mr. Gary Ridley. The centennial celebration involved increases in the number of roadside acres treated with herbicides (see 2007 Annual ODOT Herbicide Program Report) so as to improve the aesthetic appearance of travel corridors and staging areas for major celebration events. In meetings across the state, several divisions with high populations and state highways traversing major Oklahoma metropolitan areas (Tulsa Co. and Oklahoma Co.) expressed interest in making herbicide applications from 揻ence to fence�. This would mean a broadcast herbicide application extending from the hard highway surface edge to the adjoining non-ODOT property (covering both the safety zone and transition zone). Traditionally, ODOT has counted on the untreated transition zone as a buffer to catch any herbicide particle drift before it reaches and is deposited on adjacent property. Additionally, the transition zone has served as a repository for herbicide-sensitive native forbs that do not have a good fit in the safety zone but are considered suitable and desirable outside of the safety zone. Forbs are annual or perennial non-woody broadleaf plants that are not sedges, grasses or rushes. Many of these forbs including what the public would call 搉ative Oklahoma wildflowers.� While this broadcast herbicide treatment approach to the transition zone may be viewed as a way to increase aesthetic appearances and decrease the amount of weed pressure, the close proximity to adjacent property means that applicators need to pay special attention to wind speed and temperature inversion conditions. On-site and instantaneous measurement of wind speed, wind direction and air temperature can serve as a means of dispelling claims against ODOT if complainants argue that ODOT抯 application drifted onto their property. Currently, the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry (ODAFF) does not require that records reflect wind speeds at the time of herbicide application. However, it has been the practice of ODOT to keep these records so as to provide confirmation that wind conditions were within spray application parameters set by the herbicide manufacturer. Currently, most ODOT抯 spray crews utilize a hand-held Dwyer wind meter (Dwyer Interments, Inc., Michigan City, Ind. 46360, Pat. No. 2993374) that is very economical (Forestry Supply, Inc.) costing approximately $14.00 per unit (Figure 1.). While this device is accurate, they require the spray rig operator to manually measure wind speeds by exiting the vehicle and exposing the device to wind currents, then physically recording the measured wind speed on hand-written spray record sheets (Figure 2.). One of the drawbacks to the hand-held unit is that the spray rig operator may not be aware of wind speed changes as well as wind direction changes. As part of ODOT抯 contract with the Oklahoma State University Roadside Vegetation Management (OSU RVM) program, OSU personnel are contracted to attend the annual National Roadside Vegetation Management Association (NRVMA) meetings to gather information on technology that may have application to ODOT抯 IRVM (Integrated Roadside Vegetation Management) program. This year (October 2-4, 2007) the meetings were held in Charlotte, N.C., and contact was made with Nathan Cross, Technology Representative for Spectrum Technologies, Inc. This company manufactures and distributes leading-edge measurement information technology to the agricultural markets worldwide. One of Spectrum Technologies, Inc. products that may have application to ODOT抯 spray program is the WatchDog Sprayer Station (Figure 3.).Item Open Access 2007 – 2009 Evaluations of New Broadleaf Weed Control Herbicide Formulations for ODOT Roadside Vegetation Management Programs (FHWA-OK-09-07 2157)(2009-12) Montgomery, Doug; Evans, Craig; Martin, Dennis; Oklahoma Department of Transportation. Materials and Research Division. Office of Research & ImplementationA three year research project was conducted between the Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) and the Oklahoma State University to investigate herbicides and herbicide tank mixes that could supplement existing ODOT weed control programs in the safety zone. Two studies were conducted using generic herbicides MSM E-Pro (metsulfuron methyl) and Diuron 80 WDG (diuron). Both provided similar control of broadleaf weeds as compared to the current equivalent industry standard formulations. Two studies were conducted to evaluate efficacy of Milestone VM (aminopyralid) and Milestone VM blended formulations. We do not believe the new blended Milestone VM formulations provide advantages in terms of efficacy, safety, or price over the current postemergence standard treatments used by ODOT. Five studies were conducted to evaluate BAS 80003 (saflufenacil), a new herbicide active ingredient manufactured by BASF. Saflufenacil was found to provide benefits to ODOT broadleaf weed control programs. This product produces quick broadleaf weed control activity in the first 2-3 days on susceptible species and may provide for a higher degree of safety around sensitive crops due to its low volatility. Nine studies were conducted to evaluate DPX-MAT28 (aminocyclopyrachlor) a new herbicide active ingredient manufactured by Dupont. This product has potential to provide significant benefits to ODOT broadleaf and grassy weed control programs. DPX-MAT28 produced good control of many annual broadleaf weeds. Most important, DPX-MAT28 has shown significant activity for both preemergence kochia (Kochia scoparia) control and postemergence Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) control. Both of these weed species currently pose serious problems for ODOT. Specific weed control results from this product are very dependent on both timing and rate of application. Additional work with aminocyclopyrachlor will need to continue in the future to finalize product rate, application timings, and weed control spectrum. Provided that Federal as well as Oklahoma State labeling of several products occurs in combination with a competitive bid process, several new, cost effective and efficacious products will be available to ODOT for weed control purposes in the future.Item Open Access 2008 annual report on the Oklahoma Department of Transportation herbicide program reportMontgomery, Doug; Evans, Craig; Martin, Dennis; Oklahoma Department of Transportation. Materials and Research Division. Office of Research & Implementation.The purpose of this annual report was to document the successes, failures and challenges of ODOT's chemical weed control program in 2008. In that each field division makes herbicide application decisions independent of other field divisions, we attempted to minimize comparisons among divisions in this report. However, it can be both interesting and useful to document trends in ODOT herbicide programs when similarities and differences in field division programs are surveyed. We attempted to document the progress of each field division on its own merit, considering the different attitudes and unique management goals within each field division. When appropriate, recommendations and comments were made to assist divisions in solving issues that became apparent after reviewing this year's herbicide surveys (Appendix A) and divisional meetings. It was our intent that the comments and criticisms included in this report would be of benefit to each field division's herbicide program. We are aware that each field division, in the development of its herbicide program, will have considerations unknown to Oklahoma State University Roadside Vegetation Management Program personnel. If there is disagreement by any division personnel to comments or recommendations, we ask that we have the opportunity to clarify recommendations. In the body of this report most references to herbicides will be made by using their common name instead of brand name. An example would be a reference to glyphosate instead of Roundup Pro Concentrate, Honcho Plus, or Mirage. This is an attempt to simplify the text of this report. When referenced common names are unfamiliar to the reader, you may refer to Table 11 for the corresponding brand name. Each Field Division抯 Summary Table (Tables 1-8) will reference common name followed by specific brand names used by the division in parenthesis. Finally, we would like to thank the divisions for their participation in this year's survey. Without the survey data and meetings held at each field division, this report will not reflect the entire ODOT herbicide program effort. We encourage each ODOT maintenance facility to fill out the annual herbicide program survey as accurately and completely as possible so this report can reflect as much of ODOT抯 weed control effort as possible. We encourage suggestions as to how this report can be made more informative and useful and we always welcome input from all levels within ODOT.Item Open Access 2008 report on roadside vegetation management equipment & technologyEvans, Crag; Montgomery, Doug; Martin, Dennis; Oklahoma Department of Transportation. Materials and Research Division. Office of Research & Implementation.The objective of this report is to provide Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) personnel with recommendations concerning the utilization of new technologies that will enable vegetation managers to provide safe travel corridors for Oklahoma抯 motoring public. ODOT highway easement managers continue a long term integrated roadside vegetation management (IRVM) program. This program maintains suitable vegetation to stabilize soil, allow for surface drainage and allow suitable site distance for the motorist. The integrated program is based on use of suitable vegetation types and its long-term maintenance through mowing and herbicide use. These practices are used to not only keep vegetation within the height requirements but reduce competition from undesirable weeds that compete with low growing grass vegetation. A wide range of soil types, climatic variation and plant species are present on roadsides. Consequently, ODOT personnel must utilize many different herbicidal tools for specific management goals. Regardless of which herbicidal tool is employed, the means of transferring an herbicide product between its original container and the spray tank has remained basically unchanged for many years. Two concerns have always been present for herbicide product end-users: 1. What to do with the empty container? 2. What can be done to lower handler/mixer exposure risk? When ODOT selects a liquid herbicide product, the product has typically been packaged in non-refillable high density polyethylene (HDPE) containers of varying size by the manufacturer. Manufacturers supplied these products to distributors, whom then sold the product to their clients (ODOT). At the 2008 National Roadside Vegetation Management Association (NRVMA) meetings, Nancy Fitz of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) presented information concerning current and future regulation affecting herbicide manufactures. These regulations encourage the use of refillable containers in agricultural or professional specialty herbicide markets. More specific information can be found in the US EPA Pesticide Container and Containment Rule, October 2008 at http://www.epa.gov/pesticides/regulating/containers.htm. Recently a partnership has arisen between forward thinking herbicide manufactures and custom blending/repackaging services to facilitate EPA goals of reducing the number of improperly rinsed HDPE herbicide containers sent to land-fill sites. Additionally, end-users of herbicide products are actively employing new transfer technology (closed-loop systems) that minimize employee exposure. Additionally, the mechanized transfer systems that use various pumping configurations are reported by the manufacturers as saving time, labor costs and reduce heavy lifting related injury claims.Item Open Access 2009 annual report on the Oklahoma Department of Transportation herbicide program report(21-Jan-10) Montgomery, Doug; Evans, Craig; Martin, Dennis; Oklahoma Department of Transportation. Materials and Research Division. Office of Research & Implementation.The Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) uses an Integrated Vegetation Management (IVM) program to provide aesthetically pleasing and erosion resistant vegetation in the safety zone of the roadside right of way. In its initial stage, the IVM program consists of selection of the proper vegetation to install followed by suitable establishment techniques. The mature phase of the IVM program involves integrating mowing and herbicide use to maintain the vegetation as well as suppress problematic weeds. The purpose of the annual ODOT herbicide program survey was to document herbicide use trends as well as the successes, failures and challenges of ODOT's chemical weed control component of its IVM program in 2009. The information gained each year in the survey and subsequent annual report is useful in providing recommendations for improvement of future weed control and vegetation management efforts. Additional, this survey can help in identifying potential emerging weed problems and documenting possible needs for future weed control research.Item Open Access 3D LASER IMAGING FOR ODOT INTERSTATE NETWORK AT TRUE 1-MM RESOLUTION(2014-12) Wang, Kelvin C.P.; Li, Joshua Q.; Oklahoma Department of Transportation. Materials and Research Division. Office of Research & ImplementationWith the development of 3D laser imaging technology, the latest iteration of PaveVision3D Ultra can obtain true 1mm resolution 3D data at full-lane coverage in all three directions at highway speed up to 60MPH. This project provides rapid survey using PaveVision3D Ultra for the ODOT interstate highways and SH-51 from I-35 to Sand Springs with approximately 1,280 center miles of pavement. With sophisticated Automated Distress Analyzer 3D (ADA-3D) software interface, the collected 1mm 3D data provide ODOT solutions for automated evaluation of pavement surface including longitudinal profile for roughness, transverse profile for rutting, predicted hydroplaning speed for safety analysis, and cracking and various surface defects for distresses. The Pruned Exact Linear Time (PELT) method, an optimal partitioning algorithm, is implemented to identify change points and dynamically determine homogeneous segments so as to assist DOT effectively using the available 1mm 3D pavement surface condition data for decision-making. The application of 3D 1mm laser imaging technology for network survey is unprecedented. This innovative technology allows highway agencies to use the 1mm 3D system for design and management purposes, particularly to meet the data needs for pavement management system (PMS), bridge deck evaluation without requiring field visits to individual bridges, Pavement ME Design and Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS).Item Open Access A suggested 2013 revision of the ODOT approved herbicide & adjuvant list(31-Mar) Bowman, John R.; Martin, Dennis; Hurst, Clayton; Oklahoma Department of Transportation. Materials and Research Division. Office of Research & Implementation.Only the products listed on the Approved Herbicide and Adjuvant List (AHAL) are approved for the ODOT Statewide Herbicide Contract. Herbicide/adjuvant items on the AHAL meet the minimum criteria set by ODOT. Any product not on the AHAL is not eligible for inclusion as an herbicide contract bid item in any upcoming bidding process. Herbicide/adjuvant products must meet minimum criteria before they will be placed on the current AHAL. Failure to meet one or more of the criteria will result in non-approval. The AHAL is updated annually and any listed products that fail to maintain minimum approval criteria will be removed along with any other products ODOT decides to remove. Manufacturers and distributors are encouraged to resubmit non-approved products at a later date once minimum approval criteria is met. ODOT reserves the right of final herbicide inclusion or exclusion to provide for specific herbicide product exemptions in the case of but not limited to: herbicide manufacturer supply issues, herbicide manufacturer delivery issues, EPA label issues, ODAFF label issues, and Oklahoma legislative issues. Section 2 of this report very briefly summarizes the actions taken in 2013 to update the 2012 AHAL to create the 2013 AHAL that is shown in Table 1. Section 3.0 provides the criteria used to evaluate the suitability of herbicide products for entry onto the AHAL. Section 4.0 overviews the criteria used to evaluate the suitability of spray adjuvants for entry onto the AHAL. In Section 5.0 the information submission requirements for AHAL candidate herbicides and adjuvants are covered. The requirements of the research data package for candidate herbicides are covered in Section 6.0 while the details of herbicide-adjuvant compatibility data package are covered in Section 7.0. The specific protocol to be used in screening for herbicide-adjuvant tank mix compatibility (jar test) is discussed in Section 8.0.Item Open Access A suggested revised ODOT approved herbicide & adjuvant list (AHAL) for 2008Montgomery, Doug; Evans, Craig; Martin, Dennis; Oklahoma Department of Transportation. Materials and Research Division. Office of Research & Implementation.Item Open Access Adaptation of the AASHO pavement design guides to Oklahoma highwaysJanes, R.L.; Ng, S. Y-W; Oklahoma Department of Transportation. Materials and Research Division. Office of Research & ImplementationData are reported on physical properties of roadbed structural materials from in-place samples of most of the flexible state highways built in Oklahoma over an 11-year period. Associated traffic volumes, load history and climatic conditions, making a total of seven variables, are reported. These variables are compared to two sets of surface roughness, or serviceability measurements obtained by use of the CHLOE profilometer. It is shown that little significant correlation exists between changes in serviceability index as measured by the CHLOE, and the physical properties and traffic. Similar conclusions have been reached in other states. Of the parameters observed, it appears that road surface roughness is more sensitive to rainfall, traffic volume and road surface thickness than to quality or thickness of basement layers.Item Open Access Advanced Voice and Multimedia Communications System for the ODOT ITS Network (FHWA-OK-08-04 2204)(2008-9) Tull, Monte P.; Havlicek, Jospeh P.; Atiquzzman, Mohammed; Runolfsson, Thordur; Sluss, James J. Jr.; Oklahoma Department of Transportation. Materials and Research Division. Office of Research & ImplementationAcross the State of Oklahoma there are a multitude of agencies, at the federal, state, and local levels, all responsible for responding to emergency situations. Many of these agencies have a presence on the private ODOT ITS Network; however, these ITS console operators, heretofore, relied on public switched telephone network (PSTN) communications for coordination activities. In addition, many of these agencies use shortwave radios as a means of internal agency communication. Due to the independent nature of these agencies they are unable to communicate with each other using their agency specific radios. The goal of this project is to determine how these communication issues can be resolved by utilizing the large private ODOT ITS Network connecting these agencies. This work addressed both the ITS Network inter-console communication and the inter-agency radio voice bridging. In both cases, a low cost solution, as well as, preservation of the ITS Network integrity and security were primary considerations.Item Open Access An experimental product evaluation - erosion control products(Dec-77) Hayes, Curtis J.; Smith, Mitchell D.; Oklahoma Department of Transportation. Materials and Research Division. Office of Research & ImplementationThe products tested herein represent field trails of erosion control methods in certain selected locations in Oklahoma. The products tested include wood cellulose fibers, a paper mulch, a dust palliative, two tackifiers, plastic netting, fiber 'galss roving, and an excelsior mat. Statements are made concerning research methods. Performance evaluations and recommendations for use are included, as well as costs.