Fabric form with cement fly ash mixture for erosion and sediment control (FHWA-OK-87-8) 2114

dc.contributor.sponsorOklahoma Department of Transportation. Materials and Research Division. Office of Research & Implementation
dc.creatorEtti-Williams, Jimmy L.
dc.description.abstractA study was c on duc t ed in Ok l ahoma in 1 98 3 t o det ermine the p erformanc e o f f abr i c form mats fi l led with different prop o r t i ons o f f ly ash c ement grout mixtures . They were used to r epair a 2 8 5 ft l ong severely ero ded d i t ch . The mat was f i l l ed with three d if f erent mixtures . They were crnmp osed o f 1 0 0 p er c ent c ement , a 5 0 - 5 0 mixture o f f l y ash and c ement and an 8 0 p er c ent fly ash 2 0 p er c ent c ement mix ture . The p r o ject was eva lua t ed by the Ok l ahoma Dep ar t ment o f Transpor t a t ion Research Division for a p er iod o f four years fo l l owing the inst a l l at ion o f the fabr i c form mat . A cost ana l ysi s was made comparing the fabr i c form ma t eri a l t o convent i onal concret e d i t ch l iner . I t was c onc luded that fabr i c form p erforms wel l and is cost effec t ive , and that C l ass c f ly ash be a l lowed in grout mixtures . I t is recommended that , the fabr i c form inst a l l at ion be mon i t ored with core samp l es t aken p er i o di c a l ly for t he next 1 0 years . A p rop osed sp ec i f i c a t i on is inc luded in the app endix o f this r eport . Also , a video t ap e showing the inst a l lat ion o f the f abr i c form mat is ava i l able upon r equest .
dc.description.versionFinal Report, August 1982-January 1987
dc.format.extent64 pages
dc.format.extent6,219,480 bytes
dc.identifier.otherOklahoma Department of Transportation State Planning and Research item number 2114
dc.relation.requiresAdobe Acrobat Reader
dc.subject.keywordsFabric Form
dc.subject.keywordsFly ash
dc.titleFabric form with cement fly ash mixture for erosion and sediment control (FHWA-OK-87-8) 2114
dc.typeTechnical Report


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