Optimization of waverider configurations generated from non-axisymmetric flows past a nearly circular cone.

dc.contributor.authorKim, Beom-soo,en_US
dc.description.abstractThe optimum configurations of cone derived waveriders having maximum lift-to-drag ratios subject to a suitable constraint, such as fixed lift, are investigated. Analytic results from inviscid hypersonic small-disturbance theory for non-axisymmetric conical flow past a nearly circular cone are used, and results are valid for all values of K(, (delta)) = M(, (INFIN))(delta), where (delta) is the semi-vertex angle of the basic circular cone. The special case of the configurations generated from axisymmetric conical flow is compared extensively with other configurations to give insight on the effects of the pertinent parameters. The inviscid analysis accounts for wave drag only, but the effect of viscous drag is discussed. The results are analytic in nature and particularly suitable for studying the various trade-offs that are involved in missile design. Comparison of the results with other types of lifting bodies suggest that properly selected waveriders are among the best producers of large lift-to-drag ratios.en_US
dc.format.extentxiii, 109 leaves :en_US
dc.noteSource: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 44-06, Section: B, page: 1897.en_US
dc.subjectEngineering, Aerospace.en_US
dc.thesis.degreeDisciplineSchool of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineeringen_US
dc.titleOptimization of waverider configurations generated from non-axisymmetric flows past a nearly circular cone.en_US
ou.groupCollege of Engineering::School of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
