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Front Matter: Telesis editor Emily Hays offers thanks to supporters, as well as an introduction to the issue. This section also includes the table of contents.

Editorial: The Telesis editorial team offers their thoughts "On Design Against," related to pushing, pulling and re-defining boundaries.

Interview: Telesis editor Emily Hays interviews consultant Rex Miller about mapping possibilities and adapting to future contexts.

Pendulum: Ben Decuyper asks "How do we combat our trend of thinking in a pendulum-driven manner?" and suggests that architecture students view the discipline as one of constant change, rather than a series of pendulum swings.

Timeless: Jose Nava encourages a sense of timelessness in the design process.

Use It: Zach Hicks encourages students to acknowledge their own sense of agency in the process of architectural education.

More: Errin McKnight describes how it feels to explore architecture journals in the library and not see Black women represented to a meaningful degree.

Re-Animating: Angela Person asks how built environments might be designed if we understand them as living organisms that co-exist with humans.

Ochpquebradas: Award-winning architecture firm ELEMENTAL describes a design proposal for a weekend home in Chile entitled the Ochoquebradas House.

Equal: Studio Asynchrome describes the important of questioning how global influence is constructed, whether physically or digitally.

Language: Evan Sack argues that, while drawings are representations of an architecture, writings can be used to generate an infinite architecture.

Imprint: Emily Homan argues in favor of designing buildings with a permeability between the indoors and outdoors and the ability for humans to leave an imprint.

See: Magdalena Schaffernicht contrasts an idealized version of the United States against an understanding of its complex shortcomings.

Ephemeral: Tanaka Kawondera illustrates and describes a nurturing act of architecture that instills a sense of place in dialog with the environment.

Surface: Yetti Obasade tells a story about Diamond, a woman who lives underground in order to survive on an otherwise uninhabitable Earth. For her, it's not a dystopia, but life as usual.

Growing: Haley Powell offers an illustrated poem that encourages designers to think beyond a human-centered perspective and to integrate design with the needs of native species.

Scooters: Daniel Giles Helm examines his response to the emergence of pay-by-the-ride scooters and asks how he can incorporate these feelings into his practice.



acknowledgements, introduction, editorial, design, design against, bias, status quo, process, questioning, innovation, scenario planning, adaptation, consulting, pendulum, change, discourse, modernism, Postmodernism, timelessness, beauty, pedagogy, history, architecture, American School, Black, women, diversity, inclusion, co-production, Chile, dystopia, United States, climate change, infrastructure, ecosystem, labor, advertising



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