Catalog depicts gloves ranging from 2 button to 18 button designed by Hansen, Exclusively Wear Right, Grandoe, Barra Gloves, Le Gant Hermes, Viola Weinberger, Caresse, Aria Paris, Aris, Crescendoe, TM Reg., Osborn, Fownes Embraceable, Andre David, Boyce Lazarus, Van Raalte, Fownes, Nylon, Stetson, Chevreau, Rovira, Gant Jonquet, Bacmo, Chureau, Faris Freres, Glovers Guild, Kay Fuchs, Novo, Lilly Dache, Viola Weinberger, Ireland's Kidtext, Ireland's Carado, Hammer of Hollywood, Gloves of Meyers Make, Landel, Christian Dior, Lord & Taylor, Julius Garfinckel, Kisiav, Catello D'Auria, Lionel Le Grand, Marcel Wagner, FFJ Creation, Aris of Paris, and Black French.