The file contains observations from 1mx1m field plots ranging in plant genotype diversity and soil nutrients. Data was collected from June to September of 2010. The data was collected from field plots in a common garden at the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture (35°53’47.84’’N, 83°57’22.86”W). The data file was created on June 1st, 2010. See attached Souza_ReadMe.rtf file for additional details.
In June of 2010, we established a common garden experiment where we manipulated genotypic diversity and soil nutrients in a completely randomized plot design. Diversity plots contained 6 individuals, one individual of 6 randomly selected genotypes. In a fully factorial design, monoculture and diversity plots were subject to one of four nutrient treatments: (1) control (no nutrient amendment), (2) nitrogen (N) amendment (10 g m-2 yr-1), (3) phosphorus (P) amendment (10 g m-2 yr-1), and (4) P and N amendment (P = 5 g m-2 yr-1and N = 5 g m-2 yr-1). We then tracked ecosystem structure (plant height, plant diameter, plant biomass, leaf area index, above-ground productivity) and ecosystem functions (net ecosystem CO2 and H20 exchange, ecosystem water use efficiency).