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Issue of the American Organ Institute newsletter; "The Tradition Continues" update on student achievements in the Longwood Gardens International Organ Competition, the Ruth and Clarence Mader Scholarship Fund, and the Cherine Troxel Organ Scholarship Competition; "We Give Thanks" column outlining donor contributions to AOI from Will Webster, Clark Mullen, June Wood, and Victor Searle; "Archive News" including graduation of Bailey Hoffner to be replaced by Michelle Merriman, digitization agreement with University Libraries' Dean Luce, award of $20,000 Grammy Foundation grant to preserve Moller master rolls, and the Moller master rolls selection as a Top 10 Endangered Artifact by the Oklahoma Cultural Heritage Trust FGoundation; "Moller Opus 5819 Progress: Great Division" update on progress; "Mark Your Scores" event listing; "We Are Proud to Present" recent graduates J. Craig Sproat (first doctoral degree) and Paul Watkins; "Holiday Pipes" concert announcement and "Upcoming Auditions" announcement.