The purpose of this study was to examine the construct validity of the Personality Assessment System (PAS) by comparing it with the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Since the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) is used as the assessment instrument for the PAS, information concerning MBTI type performance on WAIS subtest scales was also obtained. The sample consisted of 140 male high school students attending Philadelphia schools in 1958. The results indicated the following; (a) the PAS construct of a Mechanical-Procedural dimension of personality is similar to the MBTI construct of Sensing-Intuitive, (b) the PAS construct of Internalizer-Externalizer is not the same as the MBTI construct of Introversion-Extroversion, (c) Intuitive types (MBTI) scored higher on the Information subtest of the WAIS than Sensing types, (d) Thinking and Feeling types (MBTI) did not score significantly different on the Arithmetic or Similarities subtest of the WAIS, and (e) Perceptive (MBTI) individuals did not score significantly different than Judging (MBTI) individuals on the Comprehension subtest of the WAIS. Correlations between PAS deviation scores and MBTI scores were not significant, while certain correlations between MBTI Introversion-Extroversion and Sensing-Intuitive dimensions and WAIS subtest scores were significant.
Education, Educational Psychology.