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dc.creatorSenate Executive Document No. 120, 47th Congress, 1st Session (1882)
dc.identifier1990 S.exdoc.120
dc.identifierS. Exec. Doc. No. 120, 47th Cong., 1st Sess. (1882)
dc.subjectApache Indians - Prisoners of the U.S.
dc.subjectApache Indians, Mescalero - Prisoners of U.S.
dc.subjectCheyenne Indians - Prisoners of U.S.
dc.subjectMilitary Posts - Fort Davis
dc.subjectMilitary Posts - Fort Keogh
dc.subjectMilitary Posts - Fort Leavenworth
dc.subjectMilitary Posts - Fort Lowell
dc.subjectMilitary Posts - Fort Randall
dc.subjectMilitary Posts - Fort Union
dc.subjectNez Perce Indians - Prisoners of U.S.
dc.subjectPaiute Indians - Prisoners of U.S.
dc.subjectSiletz Indians
dc.subjectSioux Indians - Prisoners of U.S.
dc.titleLetter from the Secretary of War, transmitting report of the Adjutant-General, dated the 15th instant, inclosing copies of reports from the Commanding Generals of the divisions of the Missouri and the Pacific, giving the desired information called for in Senate resolution of January 30, 1882, calling for the number of Indians held as prisoners, under orders from the War Department, &c
dc.description.committeeIndian Affairs
dc.description.johnsonAnnotationIndian Prisoners. [1990] Held at Forts Randall, Keogh, Union, Lowell, Leavenworth, and Davis by order of the War Dept.; Sioux, Mescalero Apaches, Paiutes, Apaches. Siletz, Nez Perct~s. and Cheyennes confined; reasons why they are being held.

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