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Specifically, this thesis is an investigation into the use of Additive Manufacturing (AM) for the construction of a small rocket component whose fabrication by means of AM has not been researched extensively. In general, it is an example of how AM can be used to introduce complexity into simple, common parts for the purpose of innovation. AM is maturing into a disruptive technology allowing for the placement of payloads into Low Earth Orbit (LEO) and deep space with record-breaking cost reductions. Common AM practices allowing these cost reductions are the use of AM to produce whole systems with reduced amounts of material, manufacturing whole systems with fewer components, or constructing exotic geometries that are not obtainable by means of subtractive manufacturing but result in higher performance characteristics or efficiencies. During the preliminary literature review, it became apparent much of the research and development in the field of AM applications for spacecraft are on those systems providing opportunities for improved cost/benefit margins such as the propulsion system and human-spacecraft interfaces. However, I believe there is missed opportunity in terms of innovation by not researching the use of AM in the other systems. In April 2022, NBC News published an article stating that the cost of sending a pound of payload into space on the space shuttle cost nearly 30,000 USD (in 2021 dollars), while the emergence of modern rockets and their systems has allowed the cost to drop down to around 1,296 USD on the Falcon 9 rocket (Chow, 2022). While this 95.68% reduction in cost is significant, our imaginations are coming up with more expensive, capable, and heavier payloads which further drives our need to find additional ways to improve efficiency and reduce weight. One way we may be able to do this is by reevaluating systems that can be manufactured through AM processes and have a relatively uncomplicated function and construction. This lack of complexity implies that a new, and hopefully innovative, design approach will add little risk to performance, reliability, and safety while providing the opportunity to shave a few pounds. With the need to innovate in mind, I will design and manufacture artifacts representative of the traditional method by which modern spherical Pressure Vessels (PVs) are fabricated (essentially two hemispheres joined in the center by a weld) and a new, potentially innovative design only possible via AM and consisting of two unlike pieces that combine to form a spherical PV. The goal of this new design is to produce a PV that can withstand higher pressures as compared to a similar PV constructed through traditional means. Using FEA analysis and minor postprocessing, I will analyze both designs to evaluate if there is value in researching and re-thinking how we design, build, and use simple products. The results show both artifacts can withstand 100%, 125%, and 150% of their expected normal operating pressures. However, the “traditional” artifact will undergo catastrophic failure at a pressure that is about 2% greater than the point at which the “innovative” artifact experiences catastrophic failure.