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Multi-functional, highly flexible, and tightly integrated Radio-Frequency Front-Ends (RFFEs) are at the forefront of the current developments to improve the performance of next-generation wireless RF systems. In the past decade, filtering antennas, or filtennas, have emerged as a potential solution to minimize the Radio-frequency system's cost and complexity while maximizing performance in a highly integrated module. The RF co-design approach of combining the filtering and radiation functionalities into a single unit is beneficial for improving a system's Signal-to-Noise (SNR) performance while limiting interference in a congested frequency spectrum. Furthermore, frequency-agile filtennas can enhance an RF system's adaptation to changing radio environments.
The work presented in this thesis utilizes conventional bandpass filter synthesis techniques to enhance the performance of tunable filtennas for next-generation RFFEs. By using high-
The frequency scalability of the tunable filtenna is next investigated in the X-band (8-12~GHz) frequency regime. A new filtenna structure and tuning scheme is conceptualized by incorporating varactor diodes on a novel superstrate-loaded cavity-backed slot antenna. The performance trade-offs and loss analysis is completed by analyzing the resistive losses associated with tuning varactors. In addition, a new technique is proposed to estimate a varactor's quality factor for high-frequency applications. The proposed method does not require any calibration or de-embedding processes. The varactor-