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dc.contributor.authorZentner, Douglas L.
dc.contributor.authorShoup, Daniel E.
dc.identifier.citationZentner, D. L., & Shoup, D. E. (2023). Data from: Effects of environmental factors on sucker catch rate, size structure, species composition, and precision from boat electrofishing. Retrieved from the Oklahoma State University Library repository.
dc.descriptionThis data is associated with the article "Effects of environmental factors on sucker catch rate, size structure, species composition, and precision from boat electrofishing." The data consists of two XLSX files and one README file associated with the methodology and documentation to allow for replication and verification of findings.
dc.description.abstractCatostomidae (catostomids) are suckers of the order Cyprinifores and the majority of species are native to North America; however, species in this group are understudied and rarely managed. The popularity in bowfishing and gigging for suckers in the United States has increased concerns related to overfishing. Little information exists about the relative gear effectiveness for sampling catostomids. Our study objective was to evaluate the relative effectiveness of boat electrofishing for sampling Black Redhorse Moxostoma duquesnei, Golden Redhorse M. erythrurum, Northern Hogsucker Hypentelium nigricans, White Sucker, and Spotted Sucker populations in Lake Eucha, OK. We used an information theoretic approach to determine the abiotic variables related to sucker catch per effort (C/f). Our analysis indicated that sucker C/f was highest during night and decreased with increasing water temperature. Sucker size structure was significantly different between daytime and nighttime samples; however, effect size estimates for size structure comparisons indicated size distributions exhibited moderate overlap. Distributional comparisons indicated daytime and nighttime samples were similar for fish >180 mm total length (TL). Effect size estimates also suggested little association between the proportion of each species captured and time of day or water temperature. Night electrofishing at water temperatures from 16-25 ⁰C yielded the most precise C/f estimates. If managers are interested in precision, then we recommend night electrofishing suckers in reservoirs at water temperatures from 16-25 ⁰C; though, if total number of suckers is more important than precision, samples taken at night from 6-15 ⁰C are recommended. Further study of the relationship between abiotic variables and catostomid catchability using various gears would be beneficial to agencies interested in these populations.
dc.rightsIn the Oklahoma State University Library's institutional repository this item is made available through the open access principles and the terms of agreement/consent between the author(s) and the publisher. The permission policy on the use, reproduction or distribution of the item falls under fair use for educational, scholarship, and research purposes. Contact Digital Resources and Discovery Services at or 405-744-9161 for further information.
dc.titleData from: Effects of environmental factors on sucker catch rate, size structure, species composition, and precision from boat electrofishing
dc.description.departmentNatural Resource Ecology and Management

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