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dc.contributor.authorBarnes, Lauren
dc.description.abstractThe Movement is a young adult dystopian fantasy novel...which takes place one hundred years in the future when a select few can gain access into people's minds as the main character struggles to understand the truth of her society. Relevant creative work in the YA dystopian fantasy genre include: The Giver by Lois Lowry, Scythe by Neal Schusterman, the Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, and Ready Player One by Ernest Cline among many others. YA dystopian fantasy novels provide young adults with a deeper examination of the world around them steeped in fantasy settings and themes accessible to them and this novel hopes to add to that conversation. The Movement presents a possible future to America's invasive politics and advertisements by creating a world where the fight has moved into the mind and how one could defend themselves. Two of the major creative challenges revolved around the storyline itself: content and length. Completing a novel and creating a storyline with enough happening to keep the reader interested can be difficult. Through extensive scheduling to create a successful writing regimen and letting the story develop naturally, opposed to attempting to plan the entire novel prior to writing it, the Movement was completed with future possibilities to continue Maya's story. This novel hopes to add to the YA dystopian fantasy genre by pairing dreams and mental landscapes with consent in a form accessible to young adults during their formative years.en_US
dc.rightsAll rights reserved by the author, who has granted UCO Chambers Library the non-exclusive right to share this material in its online repositories. Contact UCO Chambers Library's Digital Initiatives Working Group at for the permission policy on the use, reproduction or distribution of this material.
dc.titleThe Movementen_US

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