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dc.contributor.authorWilliams, Kayna
dc.description.abstractPrinciples of Motor Learning (PMLs) are specific conditions that aid an individual in the process of motor learning, and they are categorized by varying practice and feedback conditions. Most of our knowledge concerning PMLs stems from studies that looked at limb-based motor learning tasks, but in recent years, studies using PMLs in speech-based motor tasks have been emerging. The evidence for the success of PMLs in speech-based motor learning is promising, but the question this study set out to answer was this; are PMLs intended to treat speech disorders being implemented by practicing speech-language pathologists on a regular basis? To answer this question, the researchers designed an online survey for practicing speech-language pathologists in the USA. The survey had three sections; information about the demographics of the participants, the information on the usage of PMLs by speech-language pathologists, and information from speech-language pathologists who were not aware of PMLs. The findings of the current survey suggest that practicing speech-language pathologists find it encouraging to implement PMLs in their routine practice. However, it is important for them to receive appropriate training so that they implement PMLs in a methodical fashion which would be helpful in tracking the treatment outcomes.
dc.rightsCopyright is held by the author who has granted the Oklahoma State University Library the non-exclusive right to share this material in its institutional repository. Contact Digital Library Services at or 405-744-9161 for the permission policy on the use, reproduction or distribution of this material.
dc.titleSurvey on the use of principles of motor learning among speech language pathologist in the USA
dc.type.genreHonors Thesis
dc.contributor.directorKaipa, Ramesh
dc.contributor.facultyreaderKaipa, Roha Sciences and Disorders State University

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