Now showing items 21-40 of 178

    • China’s South-to-North Water Transfer Project  Undergraduate

      Marrs, Erika (2015)
      China’s ongoing South-to-North Water Transfer Project (SNWTP) is the largest water pipeline project that has ever been undertaken anywhere in the world. At its completion sometime around 2050, it will connect the southern ...
    • The Church Committee : unveiling the past and unraveling the future  Undergraduate

      Hackert, Lisa (2016)
      The Central Intelligence Agency has long been shrouded in mystery and public speculation. The agency is often cast as the perpetrator of heinous conspiracies perhaps conceived from the public’s imagination or the creativity ...
    • A Church Divided: American Catholics and the Equal Rights Amendment  Undergraduate

      Tenney, Lena (2013-10-01)
      Religion and Equal Rights are topics that have been relevant throughout history up until the present day. Ms. Tenney’s thoughtful look at the divisions caused by the ERA within the Catholic Church is an excellent piece of ...
    • Clericalism, Constitutionalism, and Cautiousness: Iran's 1905 Revolution Through the Eyes of Sheikh Fazollah Nuri  Undergraduate

      Waugh, Jake (2019-08)
      The summer of 1909 was a summer of retribution. The first target was Mohammad Ali Shah, the Qajar king who had forcefully opposed constitutionalism and was responsible for the bombardment of the Majlis the year prior. After ...
    • Communal Identity and Sectarian Division in Lebanon: A Comparative Analysis of The National Pact of 1943 and the Ta'if Agreement  Undergraduate

      Peach, Kaitlin (2017)
      Throughout its history, Lebanon as faced an identity crisis that has been exacerbated by two fundamental documents -- the National Pact of 1943 and the Ta'if Agreement. These documents worked to ingrain identity into ...
    • Compromising Refugeehood: Access to Asylum and Non-Refoulement in the European Union  Undergraduate

      Neumeier, Stefanie (2017)
      This paper explores the intersection of European and international refugee and human rights law. While numerous treaties incorporate the rights of forced migrants, the Refugee Convention with the 1967 Protocol represents ...
    • Confidence  Undergraduate

      Ikpa, Blessing (2016-04)
    • Confidence  Undergraduate

      Mays, Kelsey (2017-04)
      When I was 16 years old, my older brother traveled halfway across the world to study abroad. As I looked at his pictures and heard him share his fondest memories, I instantly became enamored with the whole idea of studying ...
    • Confidence  Undergraduate

      Rodriguez-Sanchez, Andrea
    • Conflicting Narratives of the 1948 War  Undergraduate

      Weiss, Lindsey (2016)
      The 1948 War was a triumphant victory for the Jews of Israel and a tragic disaster for the Arabs of Palestine. The traditional Zionist rendition of the war, or “old” history, depicts Israel as a fledgling Jewish state ...
    • Confucianism: The New Wave of Ancient China  Undergraduate

      Moore, Kristen (2016)
      Confucianism, a Chinese philosophy founded roughly 2,500 years ago, has traditionally been understood to be, by historians and philosophers alike, a strongly conservative philosophy. Yet after taking a look at the historical ...
    • Continuity in Care: The History of Deinstitutionalization in Oklahoma's Mental Healthcare System  Undergraduate

      Capps, Sarah (2016-04-01)
      Sarah Capps has approached the subject of the deinstitutionalization of Oklahoma’s mental health system with great attention to detail and tenacious research. She has also made connections from the act of deinstitutionalization ...
    • Countering ISIS's Propaganda: Islamic Piety, Belonging, and Exposure of Life under ISIS's Rule  Undergraduate

      Gellman, Jonah (2017)
      The Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham's (ISIS) recruitment tactics have yielded substantial results in the Western world. Recruiters use a variety of push and pull factors to separate potential recruits from their society ...
    • Courage  Undergraduate

      Rai, Sangita (2017-04)
      I have spent most of my life studying abroad. I finished high school in Norway and then came to the University of Oklahoma to further my studies. Since I am already abroad, I never thought of doing a study abroad until one ...
    • Courage  Undergraduate

      Herndon, Nigh
    • Cross-Cultural Musical Healing Practices: Egocentric and Sociocentric Approaches  Undergraduate

      Jebaraj, Abigail (2015)
      The maintenance of health and healing when illness arises can be approached from different perspectives, apparent in diverse healing practices around the world. One system of healthcare delivery that has occupied a powerful ...
    • Curiosity  Undergraduate

      Moses, Daniel (2017-04)
      Jerusalem is a special place. Throughout the centuries it has inspired poets to write and soldiers to fight, and in the spring of 2014, it inspired me to spend a semester studying at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. I ...
    • Curiosity  Undergraduate

      Schneider, Libby
    • Danesh : the OU undergraduate journal of Iranian studies. Volume 4, 2019  Undergraduate

      University of Oklahoma. College of International Studies. Department of International and Area Studies. Farzaneh Center for Iranian and Persian Gulf Studies. (2019-10)
      From the Editors-in-Chief
    • Dānesh : the OU undergraduate journal of Iranian studies. Volume 1, 2016  Undergraduate

      Marashi, Afshin; Akhlaghi, Andrew; Gharipour, Elena T.; Bednarek, Ellie; Gellman, Jonah; McCann, Samuel; Siddiqui, Wajeeha; Yoo, Jiyoun; Farzaneh Center for Iranian and Persian Gulf Studies; University of Oklahoma. College of International Studies; University of Oklahoma. College of International Studies. Department of International and Area Studies (The University of Oklahoma, 2016)
      It is with great pleasure that I introduce this inaugural issue of DĀNESH: The OU Undergraduate Journal of Iranian Studies. The initiative for this journal grew from the hard work and dedication of undergraduate students ...