Now showing items 54-73 of 257

    • Danesh : the OU undergraduate journal of Iranian studies. Volume 4, 2019  Undergraduate

      University of Oklahoma. College of International Studies. Department of International and Area Studies. Farzaneh Center for Iranian and Persian Gulf Studies. (2019-10)
      From the Editors-in-Chief
    • Dānesh : the OU undergraduate journal of Iranian studies. Volume 1, 2016  Undergraduate

      Marashi, Afshin; Akhlaghi, Andrew; Gharipour, Elena T.; Bednarek, Ellie; Gellman, Jonah; McCann, Samuel; Siddiqui, Wajeeha; Yoo, Jiyoun; Farzaneh Center for Iranian and Persian Gulf Studies; University of Oklahoma. College of International Studies; University of Oklahoma. College of International Studies. Department of International and Area Studies (The University of Oklahoma, 2016)
      It is with great pleasure that I introduce this inaugural issue of DĀNESH: The OU Undergraduate Journal of Iranian Studies. The initiative for this journal grew from the hard work and dedication of undergraduate students ...
    • Dānesh : the OU undergraduate journal of Iranian studies. Volume 2, 2017  Undergraduate

      Ennenga, Elizabeth; Hackett, Molly; Shelden, John; Hudayar, Salih; Kahoe, Cooper; Standley, Corey; Holsten, Brittany; Kuyon, Kayleigh; Farzaneh Center for Iranian and Persian Gulf Studies; University of Oklahoma. College of International Studies; University of Oklahoma. College of International Studies. Department of International and Area Studies
    • DĀNESH : the OU undergraduate journal of Iranian studies. Volume 3, 2018  Undergraduate

      University of Oklahoma. College of International Studies. Department of International and Area Studies. Farzaneh Center for Iranian and Persian Gulf Studies. (2018)
      We are so proud to present to you the third volume of the University of Oklahoma's Undergraduate Journal in Iranian Studies, DĀNESH. Through two editions of the journal we have seen wonderful presentations on varying ...
    • The Death Dealer  Undergraduate

      Carter, Michael Lewis (2012-10-01)
      The post-war confessions of Rudolf Höss, who, as commandant of Auschwitz, supervised the mass killing of Jews, however, invite readers to re-examine the role of evil as part of the historical commentary on the SS. In Hössʼs ...
    • Decolonizing the Uncolonized: France, French Canadian Identity, and the Quebecois Nationalist Movement, 1945-1967  Undergraduate

      Miles, Sarah (2016)
      This research project intended to analyze and understand the relationship between Third World decolonization movements, the nascent nationalist movement in Quebec between 1945 and 1967, and the simultaneous development of ...
    • The Deepest Circle of Hell: Sex Crimes Propagated at Unit 731 During the Pacific War (1931-1945)  Undergraduate

      Strachan, Kiersten (2016-04-01)
      In a previous paper on the subject of Unit 731, I argued that Japan, before and throughout the Pacific War (1931-1945), attempted to systemically bolster its imperial credentials as a colonizer by developing its scientific ...
    • Democracy deposed : U.S. media coverage of 1950's Guatemala  Undergraduate

      Graves, Jasmine
      After World War II, the United States established itself as a crusader for democracy and capitalism around the world. The urge to fight communism while advocating for democracy meant a dilemma when faced with countries ...
    • Designing women : how ancient philosophy shaped the role of women in the early republic  Undergraduate

      Dunn, Caylon (2016)
      For a span of one hundred and forty-four years, from the official founding of the country until the passage of the 19th amendment to the Constitution, women in the United States of America did not have the right to vote. ...
    • Diffusion Through Hydrospheres: Drug Release Model  Undergraduate

      Abousleiman, Ghainaa (2022)
      Hydrogels are commonly used as a drug delivery model due to their biocompatibility and mechanical properties. It is important to model drug delivery to gain accurate predictions of how a drug will release into the body. ...
    • Digital Media, Authority, and the Roman Catholic Church  Undergraduate

      Hickey, Katherine; Rhinesmith, Colin (2015-03)
      The purpose of this study is to identify the discursive and hegemonic interplay between the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) and American Catholics in digital media. It will use the Year of Consecrated Life (YCL) as a case study ...
    • Dinner and a Date: the Misguiding Nature of Expiration Dates and Their Influence on Consumer Food Waste Behavior  Undergraduate

      Fiedler, Lisa (2016)
      Food waste is largely considered one of the greatest paradoxes of today: while millions of people in the world starve, we waste an astonishing amount of the food we produce. One factor that produces a substantial amount ...
    • Disjointed Action: Conflicting Collective Action in Ukraine's 2014 Euromaidan Revolution  Undergraduate

      Bartz, Luke (2017)
      Though the motivations for unrest were similar across Ukraine during the 2014 Euromaidan Revolution, the means of expressing unhappiness contrasted dramatically between eastern and western Ukraine. In the west of the country ...
    • Drones, Ethics, and Pakistan  Undergraduate

      Adam, Amil (2017)
      The following article provides an ethical appraisal of the use of armed drones within the Federally Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan by the Central Intelligence Agency through the prism of Just War theory. This paper ...
    • Earth conscious behavior of OU students  Undergraduate

      Woody, Tanya S. (2016-12-05)
      Amid growing concerns of environmental issues, such as resource depletion and climate change, an understanding of college student altruistic and egocentric behavior can offer insight into approaches for change. Students ...
    • The Economics of Affirmative Action Admissions Policies for Asian American Students  Undergraduate

      Cai, Angela (2015)
      In the realm of higher education, Asian American students have thrived in terms of academic excellence. During the last fifty years, many Asian Americans have done so well academically that they are no longer underrepresented ...
    • Edwin C. DeBarr and the University of Oklahoma's reponses from 1923-1988  Undergraduate

      Lynn, Kathryn
      In 1982, A University of Oklahoma student initiative strove to change a building's name after uncovering that Edwin C. DeBarr, for whom it was named, had been a grand dragon in the Ku Klux Klan. Then Oklahoma University ...
    • The effect of the Monitor and Merrimack on naval warfare  Undergraduate

      Kenney, Russell (2016)
      On March 9th, 1862, in a largely uneventful and inconclusive battle near Hampton Roads, Virginia, the course of naval warfare throughout the world was forever changed. It was during this Civil War battle that the world’s ...
    • El Curandero Actual: Preserving Indigenous Identity Through Mexican Folk Healing’s Chants  Undergraduate

      Stiefer, Auston (2016)
      Curanderismo is a syncretic form of Mexican folk healing whose origins date back to the Spanish colonization of the Americas. This medical system, drawing from both indigenous healing practices and Catholic spirituality, ...
    • Elucidating the Mechanisms of Antibiotic Tolerance During CoInfection of Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus agalactiae in Chronic Wounds  Undergraduate

      McCoy, Lane (2023-05)
      Polymicrobial infections are some of the most financially demanding issues in the healthcare system, requiring over $25 billion in treatment annually in the United States alone. This results from their increased virulence, ...