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dc.contributor.authorDonavan, Paul Clyde
dc.description.abstractReview of History: The history of the Oklahoma Crop Improvement Association is reviewed, beginning with the organizing of the Kay County Corn Grower's Association in 1901. In 1909 this county organization was reorganized on a state-wide basis and was called the Oklahoma Corn Club In 1912 this organization changed its name to the Oklahoma Seed Grower 1s Association This was due to the increasing demand for improved seed and information on various other crops besides corn. The name of the group was changed to Oklahoma Crop Improvement Association in 1922.
dc.description.abstractThe Association was officially incorporated under the laws of Oklahoma in 1930. At that time the Association underwent a major reorganization, adopting a new set of by-laws which are still in use today.
dc.description.abstractDuring 1937: the Oklahoma State Certification Seed Law, House bill No., 513, was passed by the Legislature. This provided for the certification of seed and plant parts intended for sale or for propagation. The authority for such certification was placed-with Oklahoma A. & M. College or its legal representative. The Association was appointed by the College as the legal organization to certify crops in Oklahoma.
dc.description.abstractIn 1939 the Association began the Approved Origin of Alfalfa program. This program was set up because Oklahoma alfalfa seed had been unjustly ruled ineligible for payments in the north-central region by the Agricultural Adjustment Administration. Oklahoma had developed a good market in this area for its alfalfa seed and to lose out would have been a serious blow to Oklahoma alfalfa producers. However, Oklahoma seed was declared eligible for AAA payments following the submission of a petition to the AAA by the Association. Through this approved origin program the Association was able to establish a stable financial system.
dc.description.abstractIn 1949 the Foundation Seed Stocks, Inc. was established for the purpose of controlling the propagation and distribution of foundation seed stock. This is a separate organization from the Association but the two work very closely together.
dc.rightsCopyright is held by the author who has granted the Oklahoma State University Library the non-exclusive right to share this material in its institutional repository. Contact Digital Library Services at or 405-744-9161 for the permission policy on the use, reproduction or distribution of this material.
dc.titleHistory of the Oklahoma Crop Improvement Association
osu.accesstypeOpen Access
dc.type.genreMaster's Report
dc.type.materialText Crops State University

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