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dc.contributor.advisorBengtson, L. H.
dc.contributor.authorSchwenker, William Henry
dc.description.abstractScope of Study: This study presents a brief history of the gas engine and its development in the United States. Samples of instructor's guide sheets are included. They consist of information pertaining to the proper maintenance and repair of small engines that provide power for lawn mowers, motor-cycles, scooters and other small machines. Proper procedures and uses of tools are recommended along with safety rules with each lesson. The guide sheets may be used as a complete course of study or individually if special units are to be taught. Review and test questions are included with each lesson. This course of instruction is designed to fit the needs of the Junior high school students.
dc.description.abstractFindings and Conclusions: Much information regarding small engines may be gained from reading books and magazines that are available. Brochures, parts lists, and cut-away models and pictures may be secured from manufacturers of such equipment. Engines are sometimes furnished to the schools for classroom use. Motion picture films and film strips are also available. This course could be expanded to include major overhaul and be extended to one or two semesters of instruction as a unit course.
dc.rightsCopyright is held by the author who has granted the Oklahoma State University Library the non-exclusive right to share this material in its institutional repository. Contact Digital Library Services at or 405-744-9161 for the permission policy on the use, reproduction or distribution of this material.
dc.titleProposed junior high school shop program for small gas engine repair and maintenance
dc.contributor.committeeMemberHill, C. L.
osu.accesstypeOpen Access
dc.type.genreMaster's Report
dc.type.materialText Arts Education State University

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