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dc.contributor.authorKedl, D. M.
dc.contributor.otherInternational Conference on Web Handling (1997)
dc.identifier.citationKedl, D. M. (1997, June). Managing technology. Paper presented at the Fourth International Conference on Web Handling (IWEB), Stillwater, OK.
dc.description.abstractWhat changes constantly, is optimized with difficulty, and cannot be bought or sold; yet without it, making web based products is impossible? The answer: Web Handling Technology. Ten years ago 3M established a Web Handling Research Group to convert the art of web handling into a science. Since then, we have determined many of the engineering principles governing the control of flexible media, established connections with several research centers, and published papers. However, subsequent to our success in gaining understanding, we have had to face the additional challenge of translating our knowledge into a form that will be useful in equipment design and production. This presentation will concentrate on the tools and processes we have used to effect this translation.
dc.publisherOklahoma State University
dc.rightsIn the Oklahoma State University Library's institutional repository this paper is made available through the open access principles and the terms of agreement/consent between the author(s) and the publisher. The permission policy on the use, reproduction or distribution of the article falls under fair use for educational, scholarship, and research purposes. Contact Digital Resources and Discovery Services at or 405-744-9161 for further information.
dc.titleManaging technology
dc.type.genreConference proceedings

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