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dc.creatorMontgomery, Doug
dc.creatorEvans, Craig
dc.creatorMartin, Dennis
dc.identifier.otherOklahoma Department of Transportation State Planning and Research Item Number 2156
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this annual report was to document the successes, failures and challenges of ODOT's chemical weed control program in 2007. In that each field division makes herbicide application decisions independent of other field divisions, we attempted to minimize comparisons among divisions in this report. However, it can be both interesting and useful to document trends in ODOT herbicide programs when similarities and differences in field division programs are surveyed. We attempted to document the progress of each field division on its own merit, considering the different attitudes and unique management goals within each field division. When appropriate, recommendations and comments were made to assist divisions in solving issues that became apparent after reviewing this year's herbicide surveys (Appendix A) and divisional meetings. It was our intent that the comments and criticisms included in this report would be of benefit to each field division's herbicide program. We are aware that each field division, in the development of its herbicide program, will have considerations unknown to Oklahoma State University Roadside Vegetation Management Program personnel. If there is disagreement by any division personnel to comments or recommendations, we ask that we have the opportunity to clarify recommendations. While 2005/2006 proved to be a record drought for Oklahoma, 2006/2007 has provided record or near record rainfall for many areas in Oklahoma. Record levels of rainfall made the task of an 揈levated Level of Service� for the Oklahoma Centennial more difficult than under more normal conditions. Every field division experienced mowing and herbicide application scheduling difficulties because of the relentless rains that started in May and were nearly daily events through July. However, all field divisions were able to meet goals of significantly increasing the acreage treated with selective broadcast herbicide treatments during the 2007 season. In the body of this report most references to herbicides will be made by using their common name instead of brand name. An example would be a reference to glyphosate instead of Roundup Pro Concentrate, Honcho Plus, or Mirage. This is an attempt to simplify the text of this report. When referenced common names are unfamiliar to the reader, you may refer to Table 11 for the corresponding brand name. Each Field Division抯 Summary Table (Tables 1-8) will reference common name followed by specific brand names used by the division in parenthesis. Finally, we would like to thank the divisions for their participation in this year's survey. Without the survey data and meetings held at each field division, this report will not reflect the entire ODOT herbicide program effort. We encourage each ODOT maintenance facility to fill out the annual herbicide program survey as accurately and completely as possible so this report can reflect as much of ODOT抯 weed control effort as possible. We encourage suggestions as to how this report can be made more informative and useful and we always welcome input from all levels within ODOT.
dc.format.extent43 pages
dc.format.extent283,316 bytes
dc.relation.requiresAdobe Acrobat Reader
dc.title2007 annual Oklahoma Department of Transportation herbicide program report
dc.typeTechnical Report
dc.contributor.sponsorOklahoma Department of Transportation. Materials and Research Division. Office of Research & Implementation.

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