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Despite the widespread use of the term calling in scholarly and popular literature, there has been limited empirical research on the topic. Most of the current literature on the topic is theoretical and conceptual in nature. The current study of 392 adults was designed to explore the psychometric properties of a newly developed instrument entitled The Calling Questionnaire (TCQ). This instrument was developed to assess three dimensions of calling: work, family, and social. Item analyses were conducted in order to derive three homogeneous scales representing work (TCQ-Work), family TCQ-Family) and social (TCQ-Social) dimensions of calling. Internal consistency reliabilities for these scales were high: TCQ-Social (α = .93), TCQ-Family (α = .93), and TCQ-Work (α = .93). The correlation between the TCQ-Work and the TCQ-Social scales was relatively high (r = .74), while remaining correlations were in the moderate range. A principal axis factor analysis (PAF) with oblimin rotation resulted in a three-factor solution accounting for approximately 44% of the variance. The three-factor solution fit the data well, as the three factors extracted reflected the respective dimensions theorized. Correlations between factor scores on the three TCQ dimensions and TCQ scale scores were very high: Social (r = .98); Family (r = .98); and Work (r = .97). Preliminary evidence for validity of the three calling scales was found in their relationships with measures of civic responsibility, family commitment, and job satisfaction, respectively. Correlations of TCQ scales with a measure of social desirability ranged from .18 - .32.



Vocation--Testing, Vocation



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