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dc.contributor.advisorZant, James H.
dc.contributor.authorJones, Terry Warren
dc.description.abstractScope of Study: This report has been prepared to help the student, teacher, counselor, or anyone who may be concerned with career guidance in biology to become better informed about the career opportunities which are available in the basic biological sciences of zoology, botany, physiology, entomology, and microbiology. The information presented concerning these areas includes: (1) the career opportunities which are available, (2) what biologists in each field do, (3) where these opportunities are, (4) the educational requirements which are necessary, (5) the rewards which may be expected, and (6) other pertinent information concerning careers in these fields. There is also one chapter devoted to the opportunities for women in biology.
dc.description.abstractFindings and Conclusions: All the opportunities indicated in this report may, perhaps, be summarized into one statement. Biology is a fairly conservative field, seldom subject to wholesale demand, yet almost always with positions open for young men and women who are qualified to fill them. Most important or all is the fact that there are shortages in the present supply of biological scientists. As far as can be determined, these shortages will continue unless some success is realized in attracting young people to careers in the biological sciences. Today, there is not a single branch of biology that doesn't have space for a good new applicant.
dc.description.abstractIn the future, there must be enough young biologists to fill the gaps opened by the retirement of older men and women. More than that, a continuing supply of additional workers will be needed to meet a dual challenge: (1) the growing demands in established branches of biology, and (2) the new fields of biology which will be opening in the future. The United States and the world are growing ever more populous and more demanding or the goods and services which biology helps make possible.
dc.description.abstractBiology is one of the oldest fields or human knowledge. It has now become one of the newest and most dynamic. For young men and women with an urge to build a career in the basic biological sciences, there will be numerous career opportunities in this new dynamic biology.
dc.rightsCopyright is held by the author who has granted the Oklahoma State University Library the non-exclusive right to share this material in its institutional repository. Contact Digital Library Services at or 405-744-9161 for the permission policy on the use, reproduction or distribution of this material.
dc.titleCareer opportunities in the basic biological sciences
dc.contributor.committeeMemberBruneau, L. Herbert
osu.accesstypeOpen Access
dc.type.genreMaster's Report
dc.type.materialText Science State University

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