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dc.contributor.authorHermanns, Miguel
dc.contributor.authorIbanez, Santiago
dc.contributor.otherIGSHPA Research Track (2018)
dc.description.abstractMost theoretical models for the thermal response of geothermal heat exchangers assume the mean azimuthal borehole wall temperature to be uniform along the boreholes. This simplifying assumption, closely related to the g-functions introduced by Eskilson in 1987, has dominated the research field for the past 30 years, allowing the analysis of large geothermal heat exchangers in reasonable amounts of time. The assumption, however, is not physically correct, which hinders the attainable accuracy. By using matched asymptotic expansion techniques, analytical models for the thermal response of geothermal heat exchangers are derived, which do not require the aforementioned simplification. The resulting expressions, applicable to geothermal heat exchangers with irregularly placed heterogeneous boreholes, show accuracy and flexibility levels comparable to SBM, but with a computational cost in line with the use of g-functions.
dc.publisherInternational Ground Source Heat Pump Association
dc.rightsIn the Oklahoma State University Library's institutional repository this paper is made available through the open access principles and the terms of agreement/consent between the author(s) and the publisher. The permission policy on the use, reproduction or distribution of the article falls under fair use for educational, scholarship, and research purposes. Contact Digital Resources and Discovery Services at or 405-744-9161 for further information.
dc.titleApplication of matched asymptotic expansion techniques to the analysis of geothermal heat exchangers
dc.type.genreConference proceedings

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