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dc.contributor.advisorZant, James H.
dc.contributor.authorOttinger, Alfred V.
dc.description.abstractScope of Study: Studies were conducted in order to determine how important the study of mathematics is to the high school student, if intending to enter the field of natural science or engineering, and to determine what mathematics courses they should enroll in, in high school, if they are to have the prerequisites by the time they reach the second semester of their freshman year in college. A study was made of the economy of, and advantages gained, by taking high school courses in high school instead of waiting until they reach college.
dc.description.abstractFindings and Conclusions: Mathematics is a prerequisite to all phases of natural science and engineering, in fact, mathematics is the very foundation of the above mentioned college fields of intensive study.
dc.description.abstractColleges and universities of Oklahoma are in a squeeze between the great number of students enrolling and the necessary finances for classrooms, additional instructors and other factors introduced by the large enrollment.
dc.description.abstractLeading colleges and universities are having to teach too many students courses that they should have had in high school. As a result some colleges and universities are rejecting students without the necessary background and it is highly possible that most of the remaining educational centers will have to do the same in the near future.
dc.description.abstractThe national enrollment in mathematics courses in high school is very low, percentage wise this occurring in high schools that offer the courses, therefore it is necessary to motivate the students in order to eliminate this predicament.
dc.rightsCopyright is held by the author who has granted the Oklahoma State University Library the non-exclusive right to share this material in its institutional repository. Contact Digital Library Services at or 405-744-9161 for the permission policy on the use, reproduction or distribution of this material.
dc.titleWhy a thorough study of mathematics should be made in high school if preparing for an intensive study of natural science or engineering in college
osu.accesstypeOpen Access
dc.type.genreMaster's Report
dc.type.materialText Science State University

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