This publication, The Virtues of Study Abroad, is designed to showcase the merit of Study Abroad programs - especially how they contribute to the personal growth of students.
The following student works are intended to highlight the various personal characteristics that emerge and are strengthened by an international educational experience. Participants were inspired to share what they value most about the opportunity to study abroad. They wrote about traits many other study abroad students also say they gain: confidence, perseverance, empathy, enthusiasm, perspective, understanding, open-mindedness, engagement, curiosity and respect.
This publication not only discusses the potentially life-changing personal and educational benefits of Study Abroad programs, but also how the University of Oklahoma’s focus on international education makes these experiences possible. The variety and availability of programs speak to the degree to which educators and administrators value study abroad as an important component of higher education. Participation in such programs gives students the opportunity to practice intercultural communication skills, cultivate an openness to new experiences, and engage in a style of learning that inspires curiosity and a life-long love of learning.
We hope the following personal stories and observations resonate with those who have studied abroad, as well as prospective journeyers alike.