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As Syria's deadly civil war rages on, more and more Syrians are fleeing to Turkey as refugees, testing the policies Turkey has put into place to manage irregular migrant flows. The authors of this paper sought to analyze the most prominent of those policies, the Temporary Protection Regulation (TPR), specifically to understand the impact it has had on female refugees flowing into the country. Unfortunately, because Turkey did not adequately consider the needs particular to refugee women in crafting the TPR, Syrian women in the country are unduly vulnerable to gender based violence, lapses in appropriate healthcare, and sexual abuse. By recycling old domestic legislation and not effectively delimiting refugee policies, Turkey has many gaping holes in the protections they afford refugees. Building on past feminist policy analyses, this dissection of the TPR highlights the danger of ignoring gender in policy construction and shows the very real world consequences of "gender-neutral" policy.

About Shelby Meyer

Shelby Meyer is a senior majoring in International Studies with a minor in Chemistry. She was a National Merit Scholar and Global Engagement Fellow. During her time as an undergraduate, she studied in Arezzo, Italy, and Alcala_ de Henares, Spain. After graduation, Shelby plans to enter medical school to eventually become a pediatrician.


© 2017, The Journal of Global Affairs is the official student research publication of the Department of International and Area Studies in the College of International Studies at the University of Oklahoma. Correspondence may be sent to: Journal of Global Affairs, C/O CIS/DIAS, 729 Elm Avenue, Hester Hall 150, Norman, Oklahoma 73019, United States of America. Email: jga@ou.edu.




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