Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • A Distant Jaguar: The Civil Society Project in Chimalapas 

      Molly Doane (Critique of Anthropology, 2001-12-01)
      Civil society has become an important unit of analysis in the context of the globalization of politics and political discourse and the decentralization of nation-states. At a discursive level, it is a concept which elides ...
    • Rawinsonde Observations of Supercell-Environment Interactions 

      Wade, Andrew (2016-12)
      The Mesoscale Predictability Experiment (MPEX) in 2013 and Mini-MPEX in 2016 used mobile soundings to observe the near-storm environments of springtime Great Plains convection. Together, the projects collected over 100 ...
    • Telesis 2021 

      Person, Angela; Sack, Evan; DeCuyper, Ben; Godfrey, Ryan; Kinnaman, Randall; Vaccarino Gearty, Giuliana; Howell, Travis; Pickens, Tanner; O’Connor, Kate; Doglas, Rebecca; Goodale, Ian; Gravel, Ben; Mas Pohmajevic, Candelaria; Swaby, David; Lange, Jake; Hays, Emily; Hilmes, Johanna; Finklestein, Alex; James, Jae (2021)
      Front Matter: This edition of Telesis, the University of Oklahoma Gibbs College of Architecture student journal, explores the theme of "Isolation."