Now showing items 21-40 of 48

    • High Contrast Imaging of Planet-forming Disks with Extreme Adaptive Optics Systems 

      Lawson, Kellen (2022)
      Circumstellar disks serve as benchmark systems to study how and where exoplanets form. With the advent of ground-based extreme adaptive optics (AO) facilities, we have entered a revolutionary era for disk studies. It is ...
    • Hildegard of Bingen: An Abbess for Health Care 

      Magruder, Kerry (2015)
      Hildegard of Bingen, Abbess of convents at Rupertsberg and Elbingen in the 12th century, explained their herbal remedies and medical procedures in her book, Physica. In addition to this work on medicine, Hildegard wrote ...
    • Identifying Experiential Practices and Science in Mid-Eighteenth-Century British Cookbooks with Open-Access Sourcing 

      Gaither, Kirsty (2021-12-06)
      This dissertation serves as a proof of concept to demonstrate how combining SEO-optimized and open access digitized primary sources, popular historical accounts and traditional historiographical methods may open areas of ...
    • Inclined Plane: Law of Falling Bodies 

      Magruder, Kerry (2015)
      Galileo described his experiment with an inclined plane in his book, Two New Sciences. In this work Galileo was operating within a research tradition in physics known as "impetus." This tradition, begun in the 6th century ...
    • Johan Schreck: Galileo's Friend in China 

      Magruder, Kerry (2015)
      Johann Schreck joined the Jesuit order in 1611, the same year that he used Galileo's telescope to observe the satellites of Jupiter. Upon becoming a Jesuit Schreck joined the Jesuit mission in China, taking with him a ...
    • Johann Kepler: Blueprints of the Universe 

      Magruder, Kerry (2015)
      Johann Kepler's "Mystery of the Universe" is rightly considered one of the brilliant illustrations in the history of astronomy. In it, Kepler used the five regular Pythagorean solids to refute the major objections to ...
    • Libraries as makers of OER: A Pilot Project 

      Magruder, Kerry; Purkaple, Brent (2015-11-19)
      The University of Oklahoma Libraries and the History of Science Collection have spent the last year planning Galileo's World, an exhibition showcasing the time period of Galileo through 300 rare books, hand-crafted instrument ...
    • Madame du Châtelet: Newtonian Physicist 

      Magruder, Kerry (2015)
      Madame du Châtelet translated Newton's masterwork of physics, the "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy," into French. She also defended Newton in the Newton-Leibniz controversy. This OER shoes images from some ...
    • Margaret Bryan: Science Education 

      Magruder, Kerry (2015)
      Margaret Bryan was a schoolmistress for a boarding school for girls in London, in which she taught mathematics and science. She also published several popular scientific textbooks on astronomy, geography, and natural ...
    • Maria Cunitz: Kepler's Defender 

      Magruder, Kerry (2015)
      Maria Cunitz was one of the first astronomers to adopt Johann Kepler's astronomy. She made Kepler's achievement easy to grasp, and demonstrated that Kepler's laws were more accurate than anything that had come before. This ...
    • Maria Merian: World-Traveling Entomologist 

      Magruder, Kerry (2015)
      Maria Merian (1647-1717), skilled in both art and natural history, studied the relationships between flowers and insects. She conducted research in gardens and museums, produced detailed sketches and beautiful paintings, ...
    • Observation of opposite sign WW with an associated photon production at a center of mass energy of 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the LHC 

      Lambert, Joseph (2022-12)
      The analysis presented in this thesis expects to provide the first observation of the opposite sign WW with an associated photon process and to measure its fiducial cross section. The analysis uses proton-proton collision ...
    • Ordering Wonder: Collections, Curators, and Showmen in Antebellum America 

      Burnes, James (2023-12-15)
      This dissertation explores the development and execution of five museum collections established between the 1793 opening of Charles Willson Peale’s museum in Philadelphia and the opening of the Smithsonian Institution as ...
    • Orion the Hunter 

      Magruder, Kerry (2015)
      Three stars in a row make up Orion s belt, within a rectangle of four bright stars representing his shoulders and feet. Since Orion's belt of three bright stars lies nearly upon the celestial equator, Orion is visible from ...
    • Parasitic Worms in Early Modern Science and Medicine, 1650-1810 

      Grissom, Julie (2014-05)
      From antiquity, parasites, and especially worms, were thought to be responsible for human suffering and disease. However, in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, worms became the subject of extensive scientific ...
    • Preliminary survey of the information preservation needs of the marine conservation community 

      Carolyn, Scearce (2023-05-12)
      Observations of environmental degradation, ecosystem change, fisheries collapses, and biodiversity loss have raised concerns over our ability to preserve marine communities. Knowledge plays a key role in any attempt to ...
    • Pythagorean Solids: Five Regular Solids 

      Magruder, Kerry (2015)
      Throughout history the regular solids were a point of intrigue by astronomers, mathematicians, artists, and philosophers. The Pythagoreans proved that there are only five regular solids: the cube, triangle, octahedron, ...
    • Relativity of Motion: The Moving Ship Thought Experiment 

      Magruder, Kerry (2015)
      Galileo's "Dialogue on the Two Chief Systems of the World," includes a discussion about dropping balls from the mast of both a moving ship and a ship at rest in order to test the theory of inertia. If sailors actually had ...
    • Science Writing Instruction Efficacy Beliefs of Secondary and Post-Secondary Science Instructors 

      Miller-DeBoer, Carrie (2015-05-08)
      Discipline-specific writing standards at the secondary level and writing intensive course requirements at the post-secondary level require science teacher and science instructors to teach science writing skills. However, ...
    • Seismology in India: Colonial Geologists and the Raj, 1880-1910 

      Tolman, Aja (2018)
      At the end of the nineteenth century, seismologists were trying to create a ‘universal’ seismology that could be applied worldwide. Applying the observational European techniques in various places across the world challenged ...