1. Introductory Information a. The file contains observations from 1mx1m field plots ranging in plant genotype diversity and soil nutrients. b. The file is formatted as a "csv" file. c. Dataset. d. Lara Souza/ University of Oklahoma/ 111 Chesapeake Street, Norman, OK, 73019/lara.souza@ou.edu. e. Data was collected from June to September of 2010. f. The data was collected from field plots in a common garden at the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture (35'b053'9247.84'92'92N, 83'b057'9222.86'94W). g. The data file was created on June 1st, 2010. 2. Methodological Information a. In June of 2010, we established a common garden experiment where we manipulated genotypic diversity and soil nutrients in a completely randomized plot design. Diversity plots contained 6 individuals, one individual of 6 randomly selected genotypes. In a fully factorial design, monoculture and diversity plots were subject to one of four nutrient treatments: (1) control (no nutrient amendment), (2) nitrogen (N) amendment (10 g m-2 yr-1), (3) phosphorus (P) amendment (10 g m-2 yr-1), and (4) P and N amendment (P = 5 g m-2 yr-1and N = 5 g m-2 yr-1). We then tracked ecosystem structure (plant height, plant diameter, plant biomass, leaf area index, above-ground productivity) and ecosystem functions (net ecosystem CO2 and H20 exchange, ecosystem water use efficiency). 3. Data-specific information a. Below are column codes and respective descriptions: Plot=1meter x 1 meter field experimental area Nutrients=Soil nutrient treatment. N=soil nitrogen added. P=soil phosphorus added. NP=soil nitrogen and phosphorus added. C=unmanipulated control. Diversity=Plant diversity treatment. D=diversity plots where all six individuals belong to six different Solidago altissimo genotypes. M= monoculture plots where all the six individuals belong to the same plant genotype. Genotype=Plant genotype identity. Different numbers indicate different plant genotype identity. Height_June=Average plant height per experimental plot measured in centimeters in June 2010. Diameter_June=Average plant diameter per experimental plot measured in cm in June 2010. Biomass_June=Average plant aboveground biomass per experimental plot estimated from allometric equation based on morphological measurements of plant height and diameter in June 2010. Height_July=Average plant height per experimental plot measured in centimeters in July 2010. Diameter_July=Average plant diameter per experimental plot measured in cm in July 2010. Biomass_July=Average plant aboveground biomass per experimental plot estimated from allometric equation based on morphological measurements of plant height and diameter in July 2010. Height_August=Average plant height per experimental plot measured in centimeters in August 2010. Diameter_August=Average plant diameter per experimental plot measured in cm in August 2010. Biomass_August=Average plant aboveground biomass per experimental plot estimated from allometric equation based on morphological measurements of plant height and diameter in August 2010. LAI_July=leaf area index (or m2 leaf area divided by m2 of ground area)quantified with the use of an AccuPAR LI-80 in July 2010. LAI_August=leaf area index (or m2 leaf area divided by m2 of ground area)quantified with the use of an AccuPAR LI-80 in August 2010. LAI_September=leaf area index (or m2 leaf area divided by m2 of ground area)quantified with the use of an AccuPAR LI-80 in September 2010. SoilEfflux_July=soil carbon dioxide efflux measured with the use of a LiCOR 6400 infra-red gas analyzer in July. SoilEfflux_August=soil carbon dioxide efflux measured with the use of a LiCOR 6400 infra-red gas analyzer in August 2010. SoilEfflux_September=soil carbon dioxide efflux measured with the use of a LiCOR 6400 infra-red gas analyzer in September 2010. NEE_July=net ecosystem carbon dioxide exchange measured per plot with the use of a Li-COR 7500 infra-red gas analyzer in July 2010. NEE_August=net ecosystem carbon dioxide exchange measured per plot with the use of a Li-COR 7500 infra-red gas analyzer in August 2010. NEE_September=net ecosystem carbon dioxide exchange measured per plot with the use of a Li-COR 7500 infra-red gas analyzer in September 2010. ET_July=ecosystem transpiration measured as ecosystem water exchange with a LiCOR 7500 infra-red gas analyzer in July. ET_August=ecosystem transpiration measured as ecosystem water exchange with a LiCOR 7500 infra-red gas analyzer in August 2010. ET_September=ecosystem transpiration measured as ecosystem water exchange with a LiCOR 7500 infra-red gas analyzer in September 2010. eWUE_July=ecosystem water use efficiency calculated as a ratio between NEE:ET for July. eWUE_August=ecosystem water use efficiency calculated as a ratio between NEE:ET for August 2010. eWUE_September=ecosystem water use efficiency calculated as a ratio between NEE:ET for September 2010. ANPP=above ground net primary productivity or grams of biomass per meter square of ground area. In September 2010, each plots was harvested by clipping total aboveground biomass from 1-cm above the ground. Biomass was dried at 65 degrees Fahrenheit for 48 hours. Seasonal_NEE=Averaged NEE across three months: July, August and September 2010. Seasonal_Re=Averaged Re across three months: July, August and September 2010. Seasonal_ET=Averaged ET across three months: July, August and September 2010. Seasonal_eWUE=Averaged eWUE across three months: July, August and September 2010. Seasonal_ET=Averaged ET across three months: July, August and September 2010. Seasonal_eWUE=Averaged eWUE across three months: July, August and September 2010. Seasonal_LAI=Averaged LAI across three months: July, August and September 2010. b. Height and diameter were measured in cm. Soil Efflux of carbon dioxide and net ecosystem carbon dioxide exchange are expressed in micro mol per meter square per seconds. Ecosystem transpiration is expressed as mili mols of water vapor per meter square per second. Aboveground net primary productivity is expressed as aboveground plant biomass per meter square per year. eWUE is expressed as micro mol of carbon dioxide per mili mol of water vapor. Leaf area index is a uniteless measure since it is the ratio of square meter of leaves: square meter of ground. c. NC=not collected. Ecosystem functions (e.g., NEE, ET, eWUE, SoilEfflux) were not collected in '92NP'92 experimental treatments in interest of achieving all measurements within a short time period (in interest of time so time of the day did not become a factor influencing our measurements). BM= bad measurement that fell outside range of measurements (e.g., outlier). NA=non applicable. For '"Plant Genotype'94 treatment," the only applicable plots are the monoculture plots (where all individuals belong to the same genotype) and not the diversity, NA, plots. 4. Sharing/Access Information d. cb2 Data citation should be: Souza_Tennessee_BiodiversityProject_Summer_2010 (?)}