Read Me file for data for Measuring changes in phenology of Oklahoma Asteraceae using herbarium specimens John A. Unterschuetz, Jennifer A. Messick, and Abigail J. Moore Oklahoma Native Plant Record 21. doi: 10.22488/okstate.21.100002 Recommended citation for this dataset: Unterschuetz, J. A., J. A. Messick, & A. J. Moore. 2021. Measuring changes in phenology of Oklahoma Asteraceae using herbarium specimens [Data set]. SHAREOK. Four data files, one each for the individual species: Grindelia_ciliata_data.txt Liatris_punctata_data.txt Ratibida_columnifera_data.txt Vernonia_baldwinii_data.txt These are tab-delimitted text files with columns labeled long for longitude, lat for latitude, sname for species name, Dayofyear for Julian day of year, PhenoPhase for phenology score (0 to 4), and County for county (within Oklahoma). Phenophases are as follows: 0: not yet flowering 1: First Flowers 2: Peak Flowering 3: Last Flowers 4: Flowering Ended Four R scripts: Asteraceae_phenology_seasons.R: The script with the code for all analyses, with comments explaining the different parts. This script makes the plots for the intial data exploration, but they are not as polished as the plots in the paper itself (except for the boxplots, which are the same). Asteraceae_phenology_year_plots.R: The script that makes the plots for DOY versus year, with the x-axis modified for the different species that are shown in figures 5, 7, 8, and 10. Asteraceae_phenology_seasons_Grindelia_ciliata_plots.R: The script that makes the plots for the significant temperature by DOY comparisons for Peak flowering for Grindelia ciliata, shown in figure 6. Asteraceae_phenology_seasons_Ratibida_columnifera_plots.R: The script that makes the plots for the significant temperature by DOY comparisons for Peak flowering for Ratibida columnifera, shown in figure 9. Four results files, one each for the individual species: Grindelia_ciliata_results.txt Liatris_punctata_results.txt Ratibida_columnifera_results.txt Vernonia_baldwinii_results.txt These are tab-delimitted text files with the following columns: data_set: the dependent variable, which can be year, annual_all (annual temperature across the whole state), annual_div (annual temperature in the climate division in which the plants was collected), and the different seasonal variables (spring_all, spring_div, summer_all, summer_div, etc.) stage: phenophase (first, peak, last, ended) r2: the r-squared value for the correlation slope: the slope of the regression p: the p-value for each analysis on its own corrected-p: the p-value after Bonferroni correction Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: This dataset is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons-Attribution license (