Drege, Lance||Wakefield, William2019-04-272019-04-272009https://hdl.handle.net/11244/319306This document provides a pedagogical study and performance analysis of Rebonds, a solo percussion work by Iannis Xenakis. Educators and performers of contemporary solo percussion literature can use this document as a reference work to prepare Rebonds for performance.The document begins with a brief discussion on the history of solo percussion music and its increased popularity as a genre. A detailed explanation of the problem, purpose, and design of the study follows. A biographical sketch of Xenakis includes an overview of the composer's all-percussion works. Based on a survey of related literature, the document emphasizes the pedagogical study and performance analysis of Rebonds. The analysis begins with a discussion on instrumentation and set-up. An errata was prepared and included that indentifies five publisher editorial errors found during a comparative review of Xenakis's 1988 manuscript and the 1991 score edition. A practice guide was created as an educational tool for performers of Rebonds. The practice guide is divided into three parts: 1) identification of technical challenges; 2) directions to overcome each identified technical challenge; and 3) specific exercises written to develop and improve advanced techniques necessary for performing Rebonds. Performance questions were written and included to aid performers in preparing Rebonds for performance. Lastly, a summary and conclusion were prepared and recommendations are included for further research.166 pagesapplication.pdfMusical analysisPercussion music--Analysis, appreciationREBONDS BY IANNIS XENAKIS: PEDAGOGICAL STUDY AND PERFORMANCE ANALYSIStext