Bidlack, James E.Strange, Ethan Blake2022-08-242022-08-242022(AlmaMMSId)9982878311802196 solar cells (DSSC) are a potential model to help aid in potential steps in solar energy efficiency and progress. However, measures taken have resulted in costly methods and a lack of supply in various materials, such as dyes, electrolytes, sealants, and glass – adjustments. The research team, led by Dr. Bidlack, has tackled various parts of the DSSC model to determine potential avenues of research and progress; the most recent method involving integrating silica or silica-heavy materials into a cell and evaluating its effect over time. For solar cells, light interactions are key to exciting electrons that eventually carry energy through the gradients within. We suggested that if light reactions could be utilized within a cell, an increase in potential light "hits" may increase the overall values of our previous models. The treatments groups for our silica-integrated cells included diatomaceous earth, phytoplankton, and horsetail extract; along with two control groups without treatments. Reasons for these chosen groups were to use non-costly materials and readily available materials that various countries and cities could obtain without major losses, as well as replacing methods and materials that bring could harm the environment from several angles. A general linear model (GLM) and ANOVA compared treatment groups with least significant differences in various combinations and variables. Data from three trials suggested that treatments with either horsetail or diatomaceous earth responded similarly across a ten-day period, and the physical influence of such materials. Horsetail-based devices had an average voltage of 155.71 mV and diatomaceous-earth cells reported an average of 138.75 mV during light intervals. Control cells without modification had averages of 63 mV (with dye) and 22 mV (no-dye). Our results suggested promising and interesting effects with silica-based resources along with potential ventures with these and similar materials. Light absorption and voltage may be enhanced by both silica, chlorophyll, and the physical nature of such materials. An experiment of this design has not been published and we believe that meaningful steps were taken with the progress in this research.All rights reserved by the author, who has granted UCO Chambers Library the non-exclusive right to share this material in its online repositories. Contact UCO Chambers Library's Digital Initiatives Working Group at for the permission policy on the use, reproduction or distribution of this material.Dye-sensitized solar cellsTechnological innovationsDiatomaceous earthPhytoplanktonEquisetumSilica contentIntegration of silica-based materials within a dye-sensitized solar cellAcademic thesesDiatomaceous earthDSSCDye-sensitizedEquisetumSolarBiologyBiochemistryBiomechanics(OCoLC)1342788349