M.C. Court2016-01-142016-03-302016-01-142016-03-301999-10-01Court, M. C. (1999). Commercial Aircraft-Cabin Egress: The Current State of Simulation Model Development and the Need for Future Research. SIMULATION, 73(4), 218-231. doi: 10.1177/003754979907300404http://hdl.handle.net/11244/24897There has been increasing interest in developing simulation models capable of analyzing commer cial aircraft-cabin egress under both non-life- threatening and life-threatening scenarios. At issue is the ability to accurately simulate human behavior within non-toxic environments, as well as the debilitating effects that toxic environments (e.g., fire and smoke) have on human-decision making. A set of criteria has been identified by the Federal Aviation Administration for developing simulation models capable of analyzing commer cial aircraft-cabin egress. These criteria are used to (a) compare the capabilities and limitations of four aircraft-evacuation models in existence to day, (b) identify the issues that need to be ad dressed when developing these types of models, and (c) propose a new paradigm for developing aircraft-cabin egress models.en-USAircraft-cabin egressaircraftscertification testevacuationhuman behav iorFAA regulationsCommercial Aircraft-Cabin Egress: The Current State of Simulation Model Development and the Need for Future ResearchResearch Article10.1177/003754979907300404false