Thomas W. DoughertyGeorge F. DreherWilliam Whitely2016-01-142016-03-302016-01-142016-03-301993-06-01Dougherty, T. W., Dreher, G. F., & Whitely, W. (1993). The MBA as Careerist: An Analysis of Early-Career Job Change. Journal of Management, 19(3), 535-548. doi: 10.1177/014920639301900302 study examined the job changes of 680 early-career business school graduates. Although a number of anecdotal articles characterize MBAs as overly “careerist” and oriented toward job-hopping, little empirical research has focused on this issue. The research included a direct comparison of job-hopping behavior of MBAs with bachelor S degree graduates, taking into account a number of control variables, including demographic and economic variables. Results indicated that MBAs changed jobs less frequently than bachelor 5 degree graduates, even when a variety of other factors were controlled.en-USThe MBA as Careerist: An Analysis of Early-Career Job ChangeResearch Article10.1177/014920639301900302false