Langley, DeWadeMerrill, Thad D.2020-05-262020-05-262012(AlmaMMSId)9978768585202196 study examines victimization of 21 homeless individuals and noted viewpoints on crimes relating to the homeless from caretakers in Oklahoma City proper. The crimes reported to the police are listed and examined to assess or understand how the environment is related to their victimization. Through the use of qualitative methods and grounded theory, the homeless and their caretakers provided a wealth of information into an often hidden world of the homeless. This sample of 21 homeless individuals had an average of five victimizations during their period of homelessness. Although they experienced numerous crimes, few were reported to the police. Various theoretical concepts, crime maps, and interview data were used to determine a grounded explanation of crimes against this sample of the homeless. This study found the proximity of three homeless shelters may contribute to robberies, and petty thefts among this sample of 21 homeless.--Abstract.All rights reserved by the author, who has granted UCO Chambers Library the non-exclusive right to share this material in its online repositories. Contact UCO Chambers Library's Digital Initiatives Working Group at for the permission policy on the use, reproduction or distribution of this material.Homeless personsHomelessnessVictimization: homeless in the heartlandAcademic theses(OCoLC)ocn841611875