Houser, Neil O.2019-04-272019-04-272009 incongruence exists in classrooms today. Formal schooling is often incongruent and disconnected with the natural learning of children. This can result in educational experiences that fail to meet personal and societal needs. I believe we need greater congruence between learning and teaching in order to improve current and future social and educational conditions. The purpose of this study was to gain insight to the nature of the problem of incongruence between formal schooling and natural learning and to consider potential solutions and implications for education.This study examined factors that contributed to educational incongruence in an elementary classroom and school setting. A Freirian theoretical lens and dynamic systems thinking served as the primary theoretical framework and analytical lenses.This was a qualitative study. Specifically, a participatory action research methodology based on constructivist epistemological assumptions was used to investigate problems and possibilities in my third grade classroom. I examined my own teaching and educational context as a way of better understanding the kinds of factors that contribute to the disconnection that lies at the heart of our educational incongruence and to gain insight from the various ways in which teachers have responded to these factors.The study concludes that a variety of factors contributed to the educational incongruence within this setting. These contributing factors can be combined into four major categories, including emphasis on accountability, management and control, curriculum, and completion of the curriculum.Implications for improving the congruence between formal education and the natural learning of children can be considered in light of analysis of the categorical findings of this study. The findings suggest that educational congruence will require, among other things, engagement in true dialogue and the raising of critical consciousness, as well as adopting a more holistic and interconnected perception of education. Recommendations include promoting more open communication and building upon relationships and connections.112 pagesapplication.pdfEducation, Primary--Case studiesLearning--Case studiesEDUCATIONAL INCONGRUENCE: AN EXPLORATION OF THE DISCONNECTION BETWEEN FORMAL SCHOOLING AND THE NATURAL LEARNING OF CHILDRENtext