Beutel, Ann,Hammers, Corie J.2013-08-162013-08-162005 research study is an exploration of women's sexuality in general and lesbian/queer women's sexuality in particular. There has been little done in terms of examining women's sexuality and sexual practices, especially those sexualities that are considered subversive, taboo and/or immoral for various social, cultural and ethical reasons. That this study examines lesbian/queer sexual practices and sexual cultures at two events, Dinah Shore and Pussy Palace, using face-to-face interviews and participant observation techniques, I was able to uncover the various ways in which space, agency and desire foster and facilitate a range of sexual behaviors not typically associated with women's sexuality and expectations society has regarding appropriate standards of femininity. Findings indicate that not only is sexuality highly malleable, but that women's sexuality and sexual desires are much more complicated and diverse than previously, 181 leaves ;Sociology, Social Structure and Development.Psychology, Social.Lesbians Sexual behavior.Women's Studies.Not for men only: The (de)-construction of lesbian/queer public sexualities.Thesis