Rockey RobbinsJi HongAaron M. Jennings2016-01-142016-03-302016-01-142016-03-302012-01-01Robbins, R., Hong, J., & Jennings, A. M. (2012). In the Pause and Listening to the Little People: A Folk Healer’s Journey. The Counseling Psychologist, 40(1), 93-132. doi: 10.1177/0011000011410892 Robbins, PhD (Cherokee/Choctaw), is an associate professor in counseling psychology at the University of Oklahoma. His research has been primarily with Native Americans in the areas of spirituality, family resiliency, boarding school experiences, and renorming psychological assessment instruments.en-USmulticulturalismcontentreligionspiritualitydimensions of diversityqualitative methodologypsychotherapycontentrace/ethnicitydimensions of diversityIn the Pause and Listening to the Little People: A Folk Healer’s JourneyResearch Article10.1177/0011000011410892false