2020-10-152020-10-152019-12FHWA-OK-19-05Oklahoma Department of Transportation State Planning and Research item number 2115https://hdl.handle.net/11244/325610Under the LTPP Specific Pavement Study 10 (SPS-10) experiment initiative, the Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) constructed five warm mix asphalt (WMA) testing sections and one hot mix asphalt (HMA) control section. In this project several art-of-the-state instruments were used to collect a comprehensive array of pavement surface characteristics data. The data collection was performed biannually for five years for long term field performance evaluation. It is demonstrated that four of the five WMA sites exhibit comparable performance as compared to that of the HMA section, in terms of pavement cracking, rutting,and roughness. In addition, aggregate properties and mixture design show impacts on pavement macrotexture and skid resistance properties.95 pages5,437,749 bytesapplication.pdfLONG TERM PAVEMENT PERFORMANCE MONITORING OF SIX LTPP SPS-10 SECTIONS IN OKLAHOMA WITH 3D LASER IMAGING (FHWA-OK-19-05 2115)Technical ReportWMAHMA3D ImagingCrackingRuttingIRITextureSkid Resistance