Urick, AngelaFrayser, Keely2018-04-202018-04-202018https://hdl.handle.net/11244/299453Response to Intervention (RtI) is a tiered system of supports designed to offer early prevention services, blend general and special education services, focus on research-based strategies, and emphasize data-based decisions. This study examines teacher beliefs about Response to Intervention (RtI) and teachers’ perceptions of the skill set they possess to implement RtI through a survey method. Examining the role of educators in the implementation and sustainment of a mandated initiative is fundamental to successful usage of the framework. Additionally, the study examines the connection between teacher beliefs/skills and student learning outcomes on a reading curriculum-based measurement. A regression analysis is conducted to determine if a relationship exists between teacher beliefs/skills and an increase in student learning. Furthermore, teacher feedback was gathered on how they obtained their skill set and what supports they need in the future from the participating school district. This study found a significant relationship exists between teacher beliefs/skills and student learning. Specifically, teacher beliefs about data-based decision making were found to have a significant relationship with class average student growth rates on a reading curriculum-based growth measurement.Response to InterventionTeacher BeliefsDistrict Level Educational ChangeTHE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TEACHER BELIEFS ABOUT RESPONSE TO INTERVENTION AND STUDENT OUTCOMES: AN ATTEMPT TO GAIN TEACHER BUY IN AND INCREASE STUDENT OUTCOMES