Schwandt, John D.Schwandt, John D.2017-05-032017-05-032011-10 of the American Organ Institute newsletter. Advertisement for silent film Nosferatu with live organ accompaniment; "Principal Chorus" update from AOI Director Dr. Schwant gives thanks to Wilton Webster for $1 million gift to AOI and to Elaine George Ehlers for her gift of an endowed scholarship, welcomes Jeremy Wance and Dan Sliger as Director's Assistant and Shop Foreman; "From the Swell" note about hosting renknowned organist Stephen Tharp; "Piping In" invitation to join Dorothy Young Reiss at the rededication of the Reuter organ at Nichols Hills United Methodist Church; "Fanfare" congratulating Chris Ganza and Adam Pajan on their competition wins; "Vox Seraphim" noting the passing of Rt. Rev. Chilton Powell; AOI events; "Noteworthy" column concerning the release of the first The Sooner Tradition CD.pdf2 pages10,763,619 bytesapplication.pdfAmerican Organ InstituteOrgan music -- Study and teaching -- Oklahoma -- NormanOrgan (Musical instrument) -- Conservation and restorationWindlines. Volume 5, number 1 (October 2011)document