Rioseco, MarceloMontjoy Forti, Paul2024-04-292024-04-292024-05-10 Amazonian literature has been suppressed throughout its history and, consequently, marginalized (with a few notable exceptions) from literary studies. For instance, it is not considered within what Antonio Cornejo Polar identified as the "tradición de la literatura peruana”. This thesis aims, firstly, to investigate the position of Amazonian literature within Peruvian literature by tracing its evolution in the 20th and 21st centuries. Secondly, it delves into contemporary Amazonian literature, both indigenous and non-indigenous, through an examination of the divergent corporealities and dissidents sexualities within the Amazonian territory, as well as an analysis of the colonial process imposed on this territory in the late 19th century for the exploitation of natural resources. Thus, this work also endeavors to provide a comprehensive overview of the evolution and current status of Peruvian Amazonian literature, as well as its historical context.Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalAmazonian literaturePeruvian literatureDissident sexualitiesCorporalities and representarionCORPORALIDADES AMAZÓNICAS: VIOLENCIA COLONIAL, SEXUALIDADES DISIDENTES Y REPRESENTACIÓN DE LOS CUERPOS AMAZÓNICOS EN LA LITERATURA PERUANA CONTEMPORÁNEA