York, MeganStrahan, Kay2025-02-032025-02-032024-11-08York, M., & Strahan, K. (2024, November 8). Forging successful relationships with faculty: Supporting critical information literacy [Conference presentation]. Oklahoma Chapter of the Association of College and Research Libraries Annual Conference, Tulsa, OK, United States.https://hdl.handle.net/11244/340735OBJECTIVE: The objective of this presentation is to probe into best strategies for forging open, collaborative relationships with faculty and librarians built on mutual respect, trust, and expertise. Presenters will open the session with a description of successful partnerships at their institutions and identify challenges and opportunities they faced when forging these relationships. The presentation will include opportunities for active engagement from the audience, such as reflective ideas. METHODS: To present on forging relationships with faculty, informed by the available literature and anecdotal experience of librarians on their strategies, successes, and challenges in collaborating with faculty members at their institutions. Presenters will have three themes with associated questions to help guide the reflective/active engagement portion: Trust: What strategies do you currently use to build rapport amongst faculty? Collaboration: What strategies or practices could we employ for more effective and open communication with faculty? Development: What types of professional development could be mutually beneficial for both librarians and faculty for supporting critical information literacy, especially considering the implications of evidence-based practice? GOALS: Present successful strategies for building open, collaborative relationships between librarians and faculty; and create an open dialogue for future insights into the topic and creation of a collaboration toolkit for librarians.All rights reserved by the author, who has granted UCO Chambers Library the non-exclusive right to share this material in its online repositories. Contact UCO Chambers Library's Digital Initiatives Working Group at diwg@uco.edu for the permission policy on the use, reproduction or distribution of this material.Forging Successful Relationships with Faculty: Supporting Critical Information LiteracyPresentationFaculty relationshipsCritical information literacy0009-0008-3983-0868 (Megan York)0000-0003-1242-3177 (Kay Strahan)