Charles Soukup2016-01-142016-03-302016-01-142016-03-302000-12-01Soukup, C. (2000). Building a Theory of Multi-Media CMC: An Analysis, Critique and Integration of Computer-Mediated Communication Theory and Research. New Media & Society, 2(4), 407-425. doi: 10.1177/1461444800002004002 order to provide directions for future computer-mediated communication (CMC) scholarship, in this article, I analyze, critique and integrate contemporary CMC theory and research. Particularly, based upon an analysis of recent developments in multi-media software and the world wide web, I explore the theoretical implications of increased audio, video and three-dimensionality in cyberspace. In general, in this article, I argue that CMC theory and research has been limited by the `textual bias' of previous scholars. CMC researchers and theorists must begin to reconstruct the communicative, rhetorical and epistemological features of multi-media CMC in order to describe and explain communication in cyberspace. Through an integrated, inter-disciplinary program of multi-methodological empirical research, scholars can build theory that better accounts for multi-media CMC.en-UScommunication theorycomputer-mediated communicationcyberspaceinternetmulti-mediaworld wide webBuilding a Theory of Multi-Media CMC: An Analysis, Critique and Integration of Computer-Mediated Communication Theory and ResearchResearch Article10.1177/1461444800002004002false