Pribble, Brian A.Black, Christopher D.Larson, Daniel J.Larson, Rebecca D.2021-11-192021-11-192021-07-12B.A. Pribble, C.D. Black, D.J. Larson, R.D. Larson. An evaluation of the reliability of the foot-tapping test in a healthy sample. The Foot, 48 (2021), 10.1016/j.foot.2021.101851 foot-tapping test (FTT) can be used to assess upper motor neuron dysfunction in clinical populations. However, relatively little is known regarding the reliability or normative values of the FTT in either healthy or clinical populations. Although several different FTT methods have been used, no study to date has demonstrated the reliability or validity of FTT by comparing it across several different counting methods in healthy persons. This unfortunately limits its usefulness in medicine and research.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalFoot-Tapping testFTTRepetitive tappingTest reliabilityUpper motor neuron assessmentAn evaluation of the reliability of the foot-tapping test in a healthy sampleArticlej.foot.2021.101851