Kao, Chung2019-04-272019-04-272013https://hdl.handle.net/11244/318980In this dissertation, the discovery potential of neutral Higgs bosons has been discussed respectively in the Standard Model (SM), minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM), and unified supersymmetric models. In the SM, we consider the Higgs boson being produced together with one jet, i.e., $pp\rightarrow jh^0+X$ where $j=g, q\mbox{ or }\bar{q}\mbox{ }(q=u, d, c, s)$; in supersymmetric theories, we focused on such channel as $bg\rightarrow b\phi\mbox{ }(\phi=h^0, H^0\mbox{ or } A^0)$. The interesting decay mode is Higgs to tau pair followed with one tau decaying to $e^{\pm}\mbox{ or }\mu^{\pm}$ and the other to mesons ($\pi, a_1 \mbox{ or }\rho$). By comparing with the relevant background processes, we found that the discovery of the SM Higgs boson is pessimistic at $\sqrt{s}=8\mbox{ TeV}$, but it is very promising to search for neutral Higgs bosons in supersymmetric models owing to a large $\tan\beta$. In addition, we considered the experimental constraints from $Br(b\rightarrow s\gamma)$, $Br(B^0_s\rightarrow \mu^+\mu^-)$, $\Delta a_{\mu}$ and $m_{h^0}=125\mbox{ GeV}$. In the MSSM, the constraint from light Higgs mass favors the parameter space which has an intermediate $\tan\beta$ and is explorable at the next run of LHC. The minimal supergravity unified model (mSUGRA) has large space allowed by $m_{h^0}\approx 125\mbox{ GeV}$, but it seems difficult to reconcile the flavor problems. In the model with minimal gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking (mGMSB), the situation is totally opposite.106 pagesapplication.pdfHiggs bosonsLeptons (Nuclear physics)Standard model (Nuclear physics)Higgs Phenomenology in the Standard Model and Beyond at LHCtext