Mullenbach, LaurenKronenberger, Erica2024-05-162024-05-162024-05-10 on the public health impacts of oil and gas development has consistently found significant physical health disadvantages for communities exposed to activities associated with oil and gas development at all stages of production. However, the holistic health effects, including the combination of physical, mental, and community health outcomes, are severely understudied. I conducted a study on the potential quality of life impacts of living in the Eagle Ford Shale, one of the highest producing oil and gas regions in the U.S. To assess quality of life, I used a mixed-methods approach to evaluate these holistic health variables and assess the potential impact of oil and gas development on physical, mental, and community health. I performed statistical analysis using survey data from respondents located within the Eagle Ford Shale and those located in other parts of Texas. I also conducted interviews with local environmental advocates to help contextualize the survey data and better understand the social and political circumstances surrounding oil and gas development in the Eagle Ford Shale. Survey results were mixed, but largely indicated that physical, mental, and community health impacts are not significantly worse for residents of the Eagle Ford Shale compared to residents in other parts of Texas. However, spatial analysis revealed local-level health disparities that were more heavily concentrated in the Eagle Ford Shale than in the comparison group. Additionally, interview results revealed distributive and procedural injustices that have led to community frustrations over the presence of oil and gas throughout the Eagle Ford Shale region. These results raise awareness for the holistic health impacts of extractive industries such as oil and gas, which carries implications for public health policy and environmental justice in communities that depend on oil and gas to sustain their local economies.public healthquality of lifeenvironmental justiceoil and gas developmentEagle Ford ShaleQUALITY OF LIFE IN COMMUNITIES NEAR OIL AND GAS DEVELOPMENT: A CASE STUDY IN THE EAGLE FORD SHALE